Are tattoos distracting ?

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 01-19-2012, 07:32 PM
I just wanted to know if tattoos on a provider is distracting and if not then how many is too many ? Also ladies is it an issue for you if a guy has a lot of tattoos ?
I love tattoos, most of them have a good story behind them and I love it when I see mature guys with Looney Toons or Tex Avery Characters, I loved those shows
I'm not a real fan of tattoos. I don't mind a small one or two, as long as they can be covered up easily.
I not only like tats, but metal, too.

But then, I also like ladies that don't have any. I'm an equal opportunity monger.
I just wanted to know if tattoos on a provider is distracting and if not then how many is too many ? Originally Posted by Gucci
Guys will frequently make comments in reviews like, "she had a few tattoos, not too distracting", etc... and honestly... I really don't understand what they mean. Not too distracting from what? Are there really guys who get so distracted from tattoos that they can't get an erection??? What else is there to be distracted from?

Personally, I love women with tattoos and ladies... if your genitals are setting off the airport metal detector, even better.
My ATF has several tats, all discreet and all have a reason/story. They do not distract, rather they add to what attracts me to her.
shorty's Avatar
I'm attracted to the ladies that have 3 or few tats. Personally, I don't have any tats and don't plan on getting any anytime soon.
Roothead's Avatar
IMHO, more than 1 is too many.... and idealy small and well placed....
Most of the time, tattoos on a lady are not distracting to me. They can even add to her allure.

However, the quality, quantity, and location of the ink does matter. Family portraits, swastikas (or other racist/bigoted symbols), misspelled words, and ink on the face would be on the turn-off list.
Crowns bother me and I avoid any one with a crown as I think they are owned.
Still Looking's Avatar
Don't like the ink, I just like the pink!
tonytiger4u's Avatar
I have no problem with ink anywhere but her face. Tats on the face scream "I'm stupid" just a little to loud for me. Think Dennis Rodman, Mike Tyson...
I once saw a gentleman who looked like a straightlaced accountant and didn't tell me anything about his Yakuza-like tattoos. When he took his clothes off, his ENTIRE body, from the neck down ( except his hands) including his penis, balls, feet...were COVERED with beautiful Japanese tattoos. He told me it cost him 40 grand over the years, and he also had 25 piercings, body rings and studs. I loved the contrast between his studious look and his body tattoos. We spent a long time just talking about all the artwork on his body. That did take me by surprise but it was no big deal. I thought it was interesting. Tattoos don't distract me on a client. On a provider, I guess it would depend on the guy. Some men think a lot of tattoos are distracting. I have a small one, but just one.
portrait thing one time [sp is still on here]. really killed the mood looking at her family while doing doggie. probably the most wrong i ever felt.
Most of the time, tattoos on a lady are not distracting to me. They can even add to her allure.

However, the quality, quantity, and location of the ink does matter. Family portraits, swastikas (or other racist/bigoted symbols), misspelled words, and ink on the face would be on the turn-off list. Originally Posted by Diomidis
"Distracting?" For me, it's not that they are distracting, it is simply a matter of appearance/beauty/preference. I don't like them, at all, on anyone, ever. Are they a deal-killer? Sometimes. All of this is my personal opinion and my personal preference of course, but here goes:

Tattoos are a fad and a trend, and I hope the fad will fade. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. In some communities (like barrios and prisons) they have always been a part of life, and probably always will be. No problem. Most of the people getting them now would not have dreamed of doing so 20 or even 10 years ago. They are simply following a fad. Whatever.

As for the deal-killer part...let's see, here are some for me: tats on tits, giant tats, sleeved or legged out, etc. Basically, I can overlook a little ink, but not much. It's not distracting, it's simply unattractive. Again, my opinion. I don't judge or berate anyone for having them, but it does affect where I spend my money!

You know, in the 70's we had fads for some really stupid looking clothes (can anyone say bright green leisure suit?) and crazy hair styles. When the fad passed we got new clothes...

And since we are on the topic of distractions...I also steer my money away from fake tits. Can't understand why anyone would assault those beautiful creations. Female breasts are wonderful, lovely and mesmerizing, no matter what size, but only in their natural state. Again, my opinion.

PLEASE NOTE: No need to flame me. This is a place/forum/thread for opinion. I expressed mine, you can express yours, without any personal attacks. As you can see, I did not mention or criticize (or applaud for that matter) any other person's post or opinion.