A newbie is seeking help

I had a gentlemen contact me asking for advice and figured I would bring here and get more feedback. He views the hobby a little differently than most he likes the simple gestures like walking the lady to her car and apparently the lady gave him the impression he was doing something wrong. He is new and looking from some guidance so go easy guys..I know the advice I gave him and got his permission to post it here...so basically he wants to add the small simple gesture and for his dates to feel like a date with his gf..now he understands the boundaries so that is not the issue....so help him out guys remember when you were new....
Rarely have I ever walked the lady to her car. Not because of a lack of manners on my part but because I've offered and they said no. For whatever reason maybe the lady in question was uncomfortable about your friend seeing what kind of car she drives.

When I first started hobbying 21 years ago (good lord!) I got some great advice from an older provider. Not sure about something, ask. Best way to keep lines from being inadvertently crossed or possibly ruin an otherwise great visit.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-24-2012, 06:54 PM
I have often walked a lady to her car, but I have also had several who--while appriciative that I asked--firmly declined. I asked why, and for them it was not an issue about what kind of car, but about the lisence plate and what info someone could derive from that.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Sounds like the guy is nice guy and sees a woman as a lady rather than a hooker. As do I. My advice to him would be to just be who you are. Don't let the hobby turn you into a self centered jerk. It is so easy to become cold blooded for clients and providers when emotions are turned on and off so quickly. It can be very difficult to manage. JHurt is right. It's all about communication. As he learns what he wants he will figure out how and when to communicate with her so everything goes smoothly. Above all, remain human!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Agree with Tony 100%...Its refreshing to hear he wants to treat her like a real date, however in most cases discretion is the name of the game, so I can see both sides, as mentioned..communication works.

nothing like a true gentleman
I told him the same thing......he is member here so I am hoping he sees this.....
Sounds like the guy is nice guy and sees a woman as a lady rather than a hooker. As do I. My advice to him would be to just be who you are. Don't let the hobby turn you into a self centered jerk. It is so easy to become cold blooded for clients and providers when emotions are turned on and off so quickly. It can be very difficult to manage. JHurt is right. It's all about communication. As he learns what he wants he will figure out how and when to communicate with her so everything goes smoothly. Above all, remain human! Originally Posted by tonytiger4u
  • Paven
  • 01-24-2012, 07:17 PM
As nice as that sounds I never ever let a fellow walk me to my vehicle or even see my vehicle. It just takes 2 seconds for him to take a photo with his camera phone and get your license plate and run your real world info. Sorry I'm not trying to make myself available for that information to come to light. That's my opinion on that matter.
I'm a newbie myself, but I think communication is key. There's nothing wrong with at least offering a walk to the car, if she declines then at least he was a gentleman and offered. The little time I've been a member, I've found that honesty and communication is paramount!! Just be yourself.
shorty's Avatar
The only time I've walked a provider to her car, led to a goodbye BJ!
  • Laz
  • 01-24-2012, 10:03 PM
I usually go to incalls and I am leaving but not her so this is not an issue. I did walk a provider to her car once when we were both leaving at the same time. I think the issue here is a provider needs to get to know him and be comfortable with him before relaxing. Social events are a great opportunity to do that. Other than that I agree with Tony. Treat her like a lady and her attitude will probably change as she gets more comfortable with him.
badhusband's Avatar
When a gal comes to see me, I always offer to walk them to their car afterwards. Most decline for their own reasons. And I never push it. But I always want to make sure that I approach the situation like a gentleman. Once in a while when going back to my car from an incall, the gal has walked me out. I liked that as well for a change.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I told him the same thing......he is member here so I am hoping he sees this..... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I think he needs to step up and ask his own questions of the masses.
There is a lot of experience here and lots of advice available.
I have communicated with him and hopefully he will but as a newbie he is shy and unsure about the hobby and it is not just about walking the lady to car it is how he views the hobby and trying to get comfortable with what he wants and getting into the grove on things and finding his way...he has read this and I am hoping he post but sometimes people need someone to help them find there way until they feel secure to post we...we all know sometimes the responses can be sort of harsh if a thread is not worded right...so give him time....and I am so glad everyone has been so kind on this thread..shows how the members here are truly helpful and sweet.....
I think he needs to step up and ask his own questions of the masses.
There is a lot of experience here and lots of advice available. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Cpalmson's Avatar
To be honest, the thought of walking a provider to her car has never crossed my mind. It is probably due to the fact that when I started hobbying, most providers had drivers (which were probably her pimp or someone at their agency). I had absolutely no desire to interact with another person who may or may not be banging her as well. Just too awkward. As for now, I mostly in-call at her location, so there really is no walking to the car option unless she is leaving at the same time as I am, but that has never happened.