NCNS - Twice in a row with Ruann Soka

Stand me up once shame on you, stand me up twice shame on me. So both of the incident are very similar in how they happened.

STAND UP #1 (Took place in late February)
I text Ruann to set up an appointment and initially everything went smooth. She responded back with her availability and we set up the appointment. She asked for an ETA, and I told her I was about 45 minutes from her location. She told me to let her know when I was 10 minutes away. I headed her way and text her like she asked me, but she did not respond. I made it to her location, and text her again to let her know that I there, but still no response. I waited for 15 minutes and text her again to let her know I was still here and my phone was about to die, but still no response. I didn't want to just leave since I drove so far. I went and got a charger for my phone and text her 2 more times within a 30 minute period, but still no response from her. I went to get something to eat in the area, just in case she responded back, but nothing, nada, zip zilch, crickets. I just cut my losses and bailed at this point. I never heard from her.

Ruann sent me a random text a week prior that she was available. Even though I was hesitant to call her because of the first incident, I decided to give it another shot. I reached out to her on 3/13, but her phone number was not working, so I PM'ed her. She responded back shortly with her new number. I text her to she if she was free, and she said yes. I asked her where she was located and set up an appointment for 12PM. I reached out and let her know I was free earlier because some thing got moved around, but she said that she would still have to do 12. She said if she had a cancellation, she would let me know. It came time for the appointment and I text her to let her know I was on my way. Just like last time, she said to text her 10 minutes before I arrived. I sent the text before I got there, and no response. I started to get that feeling that this was going to be repeat of last time. I got to the location and text her that I was there, still no response. I text another 15 minutes later, still no response. I text one more time and left when I got no response.

I text her back and let her know that this was the second time in a row that she stood me up and that it was not cool to waste my time. What do you think she did? That's right, no response....smdh
Something's in the water
On to the next one
  • RoxyG
  • 03-15-2018, 12:35 PM
That's f*cked up
she ncns me too.

seems like a pattern for her
CandyStoreKid's Avatar
Sounds like you got bumped by someone offering to pay more for her time. This happens allot!
rmrstyle23's Avatar
Yes especially if it's a supposed special. It happen to me last week on three straight days but I just let it go and added her to my dns list. A simple text or sorry and it's cool atleast I didn't drive from way across town. I only lost time in another broad is how I choose to look at it
That sucks bro........... Always have a plan B and C .................

Karlie Raines's Avatar
midnite312004's Avatar
Uh oh. Not cool.
DougFresh's Avatar
She has done this twice to me as well. Thought I was the only one
Ok let me clear things up. I’ve had a number of incall and outcall requests from clients I’ve seen and they’ve done reviews from what has been turning out to be what may or may not bogus numbers and been ncns. So I’ve had to start doing things a little different. I can also start a ncns list for clients, which would be pretty long, and I know some other providers have also had ncns apps becoming more frequent as well.

I don’t have time for drama or bs. That’s why I left the first time. Also that’s why I’m not very active on the board. Clients that do cum to see me knows how play time goes. Simple communication and if it’s on my part, I make it right the best I can. But I will be very honest, after about 15mins of no communication, I block the number and move on.

Clients forget us providers have other appointments and a personal life to maintain. My gents that visit and talk with me know I’m very busy, and I have a lot I’m doing. But our sessions go great. I do not have to apologize or explain to anyone about how I run my business. Just like you all wouldn’t. I will not apologize for avoiding all bs and drama by any means reasonable to me. That’s why I have a new number and incall. My safety and personal sanity come first.

@maxfield you’ve never even contacted me through pm. We’ve never set an appointment

@rmrstyle23 I was out of town last week with no reception and the gents that ACTUALLY reach out me, know that. I communicated that with them.

@dougfresh I’ve been contacted from your handle on 3 different numbers. So I blocked you. Not sure if it was you, but your handle isn’t the only one
Clients forget us providers have other appointments and a personal life to maintain. My gents that visit and talk with me know I’m very busy, and I have a lot I’m doing. But our sessions go great. I do not have to apologize or explain to anyone about how I run my business. Just like you all wouldn’t. I will not apologize for avoiding all bs and drama by any means reasonable to me. That’s why I have a new number and incall. My safety and personal sanity come first. Originally Posted by Ruann soka
I just want to address this because I see this a lot about personal life etc. I'm sure everyone understands everyone has a personal life, but business is business. If you have a day job you think your boss will let you skip by or not show up because of that personal life? Hell no they won't lol. I know what you're thinking. This is my business and I can run it anyway I want.. and that's true. However, successful businesses don't let that stuff slide for a reason. There's a reason the management won't go for it and its because it damages the business.

Last thing I want to say... Your patrons also have work and a personal life etc. If you are wasting their time or doing NCNS you are costing them money and more importantly time that they can never get back. Its gets old seeing people talk about not having their time wasted when they have no problem wasting someone else's.

If what the OP said didn't happen then none of what I said above applies to you. If you did, then hopefully you decide to run a tighter ship before someone releases the kraken.
I just want to address this because I see this a lot about personal life etc. I'm sure everyone understands everyone has a personal life, but business is business. If you have a day job you think your boss will let you skip by or not show up because of that personal life? Hell no they won't lol. I know what you're thinking. This is my business and I can run it anyway I want.. and that's true. However, successful businesses don't let that stuff slide for a reason. There's a reason the management won't go for it and its because it damages the business. Originally Posted by MASTODON

If you own your business, YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS. With that being said if I don’t feel like taking appointments and responding to txts or pms, instead of doing things for myself or with family in my personal life I can do that. Now if I’m scheduling or taking appointments, it’s anout business.

Clients stress to providers their time being important, them having a wife, kids, a personal life, if they have an emergency we have to understand and be ok with our time being wasted, move on and let them schedule again in the future. It goes both ways is all I’m saying. HOBBY IS NOT MY LIFE. I’m not a money hungry, gold digging whore. I’m a real person with a real life, real goals, real issues/emergencies.

I’m done with this thread. If you want to see me, cum play. If not that’s fine. My business is great regardless and I appreciate those gents that cum to see me and are never a problem.
