Gotta question for you long time hobbyists

Hello Gentlemen,

Seems like everyday lately, guys who contact me are always asking of I take cash because they've been scammed before.

I'm just curious in all the years y'all have been doing this, how many times have you been scammed out of money?

I can see maybe once in the early yrs but then you learn how to do research on the ladies so it doesn't happen again, right?
Only once, and I probably could have taken the $ back but I wasn’t looking to cause a scene. When I got there she wanted to have a drink. Then a smoke, then another drink. She kept babbling on and on and the on. I finally just walked out. As far as these guys sending deposits. I’ll do that right after girls start giving services in advance in hopes of getting paid later. It amazes me that guys that have been around a while still do it.
Zero. Don’t pay deposits. I do usually put the money down when I get there rather than making it an issue or insisting on waiting until afterwards. So, theoretically, they could take the $ and run out, or get me with the pimp coming in before services are rendered trick but it hasn’t happened yet. Also, don’t deal with crackheads.
albundy's Avatar
I have definitely been scammed, by “Deposit” and in person.
I will NEVER, under ANY circumstances, pay a “deposit” ever again.

If I can’t pay in person, I simply look elsewhere.
"I can see maybe once in the early yrs but then you learn how to do research on the ladies so it doesn't happen again, right?"

Raindog115's Avatar
I was taken once by a woman I saw regularly. I handed her money then went back to my car around the corner for covers. Came back and she was gone. Didn't see it coming since we were friendly. She died a few weeks later from her bad habits. She was a fun one. I still miss her.
Raindog115's Avatar
I let my guard down once. Never have again.
Starscream66's Avatar
When I first started in the hobby the deposit scam wasn't an issue yet. At that time, only high end providers or porn girls would ask for a deposit before you ever met them. When regular girls from local provider boards started demanding deposits. It's something that rubbed me the wrong way and I stayed away from it.

On two occasions, I have been scammed by the usual tricks that are used in this game.

First, was the angry husband at the door act. What are you doing with my wife, you need to leave now.

Second, the I need a room can you front me, then she disappears act.

It sucks that things like this happen. But, there's good and bad in this hobby. For me, the good has greatly outweighed the bad which is why I continue to be active.
myren1900's Avatar
I have never had a provider scam me or cheap me. Once I gave a girl some cash so she could go pay for the room even if we had not met before. She got the room and we had a great session. I bought an AMP girl an airplane ticket so she could fly back to NOLA. She paid me back in free sessions, but I had seen her many times before. Maybe I have just been lucky.
Then again, I have never seen STG type of providers, only well-reviewed girls, and primarily agency girls. It is extremely rare that an agency will scam you.

I ask for deposits in certain situations.
It's gotten really difficult to bet New clients. 90% the number they're using is a burner number. They don't give their real name. Or age. So if Im wysiwyg the guy isn't legit ill ask for a deposit. Not one fraud caller has Ever paid me money to send me on some wild goose chase. So if they pay, then I know they're straight.
I can’t imagine there are many guys purposely trying to tie up provider’s time by making fake appointments. I could be wrong I guess. I know there are a lot of providers trying to separate guys from their money without providing.

Miss K, do you have a lot of guys no showing appointments and costing you $ by doing so? Or, do you feel safer that a guy is not law enforcement if he has sent a deposit?
runkle's Avatar
Only once when I first got started in the hobby. I was in Dallas and had booked a provider. While on the phone she said how about double the fun with another gal? Naturally I agreed. It was for double the price of course. When she showed up alone she said the other girl was on her way. We had the session and she picked up all the money on the dresser. So was I scammed? Or was I just stupid? Maybe both.... But never again.... If i get asked for a deposit I just move on...
Miss K, do you have a lot of guys no showing appointments and costing you $ by doing so? Or, do you feel safer that a guy is not law enforcement if he has sent a deposit?[/QUOTE]

I have had guys tell me they were in the lobby of my hotel and so I go down to meet them, nothing. Then they text me all pissed off like I'm fucking with them. I've been told they were at a hotel and when I show up nothing. I've been told wrong addresses then yelled at for not being at the guys house. I've been told to meet a guy at a casino in a certain spot. Then when he no shows he says I'm not where he told me to be. Told me to stand up wave my hand in the air and spin in circles. Then proceeded to tell me what I'm wearing, where I'm at. Etc.
I've had other escorts contact me pretending to be John's and booking fake appts. I've had wives contact me because they found my number in their man's phone. I've had John's show up at my incall an hour early then act like I am the meanest person alive when I kick them out and refuse to see them. I've had them ride their bikes by my house everyday. I've had guys, three cars to be exact, drive laps around my place yelling that that's a new whore in the neighborhood.
So to answer your question, YES there are many many guys out there that get a Hard on fucking with me.
And in the grand scheme of things, when it comes down to who is more likely to get hurt, it's the provider not the client. So when they start acting all nervous, paranoid, or defensive, or that is a huge red flag that they're full of shit.

As far as law enforcement goes, I honestly don't worry about it.
I don't publicly solicite anywhere. It's only online and I have a spotless record. Never been arrested. Never been questioned or even put in the back of a car. I plan on keeping it that way, knock on wood. Besides aren't they after the John's who are interested in young trafficked girls/boys?
I don't think they care about a 49 yr old who only sees guys 30 and up.
  • rfl
  • 08-30-2022, 09:27 AM
I’ve never been scammed but I’ve never once sent money. Cash only. If someone asks for money to be sent, I won’t go, period.
turbo-dog's Avatar
I’ve gotten tipped off a couple of times in 25+ years. I can’t imagine ever paying a deposit though. I would assume that any provider that does not take cash is some level of scammer. She could have still have great reviews because she only scans a few…