The shit that comes from the mouths of liberals: Barack Obama

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yesterday, 7 August, Barack Obama signed the new veterans bill designed to repair the damage done by the appointees of the Obama administration. However, if you listen to Barack Obama he barely heard of the scandal and it was someone else who did all those bad things. Someone else who violated the rules, someone else who created fake lists, someone else who lied about what was going on, someone else punished whistle blowers, someone else who let veterans die while waiting for treatment. For nearly six years Obama and his appointees have been calling the shots. Prior to this Senator Obama was on the Veterans Committee but I guess he was busy running for higher office. Obama says that new rules will stop this except the old rules would have prevented this if they had been enforced but the White House, the Justice Department, and the VA Administration failed to do so. The truth is that while the World War II Memorial was closed on orders of Obama other veterans were dying because Obama failed to live up to the charges of the job.
The VA has been in the shitter for years, I am sure you are unaware of that like you are unaware of most things.
The VA has been in the shitter for years, I am sure you are unaware of that like you are unaware of most things. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yeah, but it's never been this well publicized. Why, cause Obama brings out the best in everything, lol.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The VA has been in the shitter for years, I am sure you are unaware of that like you are unaware of most things. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

and how long has Obama been involved? Why did he say that he read about the scandal in the newspaper? Try not to post another idiotic comment.
and how long has Obama been involved? Why did he say that he read about the scandal in the newspaper? Try not to post another idiotic comment. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You first shit for brains.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Those veterans got most of what they needed.
And jdouche-bag didn’t get anything.

Leave it to him to shit on the veteran’s bill and on Congress’ infrequent bipartisan effort that was actually good for those it was intended to help.
And now it’s time for “Shred That Post!”

QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1055656162]Yesterday, 7 August, Barack Obama signed the new veterans bill designed to repair the damage done by the appointees of the Obama administration.
Wrong. In 2 ways. The VA has never performed up to snuff. And it isn’t really to repair damage. It’s to keep the damage from happening again. However, if you listen to Barack Obama he barely heard of the scandal and it was someone else who did all those bad things. Waaaaaaa! Everyone has heard about the scandal. And yes, it was done by someone else. Someone else who violated the rules, someone else who created fake lists, someone else who lied about what was going on, someone else punished whistle blowers, someone else who let veterans die while waiting for treatment. 5 for 5. You’re on a roll. But you know what’s next. The face first fall in the gravel. For nearly six years Obama and his appointees have been calling the shots. True. Prior to this Senator Obama was on the Veterans Committee but I guess he was busy running for higher office. So it stands to reason that the current Senators are as responsible as he was then and the prior President was as responsible as the current one is now. But it is a moot point. To you it’s more important to assign blame and do damage control than it is to fix the fucking problem. Obama says that new rules will stop this except the old rules would have prevented this if they had been enforced but the White House, the Justice Department, and the VA Administration failed to do so.He states the new law will make sure the veterans get the benefits they have earned. You watched the whole video…didn’t you? You obviously need to repeat the knowledge transfer to comprehend the subject matter. You know, like you repeated 1st and 2nd grade. It (the new law) includes whistle blower protection so the problems can be dealt with as they occur. Tough to enforce an infraction you don’t know happened. When the current scandals were widely reported, actions were taken by both parties. Numerous heads rolled. Sorry the actions taken left you feeling like your ex-girl friends. Unsatisfied. The truth is that while the World War II Memorial was closed on orders of Obama other veterans were dying because Obama failed to live up to the charges of the job. Wrong. The truth is that the Park Service has their own priority list and mission to accomplish. They decided what they could afford to keep open and what they couldn’t afford. Monetarily, safety and security wise. The charges of the job are to put the correct people on an identified problem to correct it and try to make sure it doesn’t repeat. The new head of the VA is a very capable man. As well as being a Ranger while in the military. His qualifications were told in the video. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
boardman's Avatar
Numerous heads rolled???

Fact is this same government that has turned a blind eye or refused to acknowledge or enabled the VA never performing up to snuff is the same government that wants control of my health care.

Yeah, My confidence builds each and every passing day.
They should clean house get rid of every fucker who cooked the books for a bonus ...
Obama Akbar only meet with Shinseki one time on the scandal. It was the day Shinseki resigned. Obama Akbar does not give a shit...
Maybe another example will help our liberal friends to realize the utter ineptitude and corruption of the Obama administration:
boardman's Avatar
They should clean house get rid of every fucker who cooked the books for a bonus ... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
"They" meaning Obama? hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahahahaha!

I agree "they" should but have proven consistently that "they" won't. Just like "they" won't prosecute.
It is not acceptable for politics to play a part in the everyday functioning of government agencies that are supposed to be here to work for us all equally.
pyramider's Avatar
The corrupt/incompetent employees would be replaced and things would be better... until the employees file a grievance and get reinstated with back pay. I have seen it several times in the San Antonio VA.
The corrupt/incompetent employees would be replaced and things would be better... until the employees file a grievance and get reinstated with back pay. I have seen it several times in the San Antonio VA. Originally Posted by pyramider
Aren't unions just great! (said with sarcasm)
The corrupt/incompetent employees would be replaced and things would be better... until the employees file a grievance and get reinstated with back pay. I have seen it several times in the San Antonio VA. Originally Posted by pyramider
Democrats aren't going to fire Democrats.

Obama still hasn't found way to cut the $200 BILLION A YEAR IN MEDICARE FRAUD he quoted several times in his Obamacare speeches.

There needs to be a house cleaning but don't count of the Democratic Socialists to do it. I'm disappointed both parties threw so much money at this problem.

At least Obama can't say Congress isn't working.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They should clean house get rid of every fucker who cooked the books for a bonus ... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
But if they lose half a trillion dollars, it's funny and no big deal. Not only are you stupid, you're a phony, too.