Ted Cruz ,Tea Party favorite spends like a liberal!

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  • 08-08-2014, 01:35 PM
boardman's Avatar
I haven't paid a dime to the Chronicle since they bought out the Post and fucked their employees. I'm damn sure not paying them a subscription so I can't read the entire article..
$228 per person seems like they were being pretty fiscally responsible on the surface. I can't take an overnight business trip for that.
How about posting the rest of the article?
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  • 08-08-2014, 02:04 PM
Fuckers let those Cali Senators beat their ass!


All told, Cruz's office spent $3.8 million in taxpayer funds from April 2013 through March 2014 on salaries, office equipment and travel to and from the state.
Fellow Texas Sen. John Cornyn wasn't far behind — his Senate office spent more than $3.7 million in the same period, while Cornyn's minority whip leadership office gave out more than $800,000 in salaries.
All expenditures were funded by U.S. Treasury money derived from taxpayers — a small irony since both Cornyn and Cruz are leading advocates of reducing the size of government.
On a list of all 100 senators compiled by the Washington Post and ordered by amount of office expense, Cruz and Cornyn take spots four and five, respectively. Only Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Barbara Boxer, both Democrats of California, and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., spent more. The average Senate office total, according to the Washington Post's analysis, is about $2.5 million.

Read more: Survey says Cruz, Cornyn offices among Senate's most expensive - MRT.com: News http://www.mrt.com/news/article_c294...#ixzz39phIfXSj
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boardman's Avatar
I'm guessing that, especially in the Senate where there is no districting, expenditures are going to be higher in larger and more populous states(More territory to cover, more assistants needed to handle the larger influx of phone calls, emails, etc.) as the story above would indicate. The largest populations are, in order California, Texas, New York and Florida.

The fact that California and Texas Senators spent the most is a non-story to me for that reason.
Now the amounts each office is spending may be a story but at an average of 2.5 million to run a Senate office including salaries, office equipment and travel doesn't really seem out of line.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cruz is an elitist asshole, the bIggest panderer on tHe Hill, and by far the biggest fucking fool in the Texas Congressional Delegation, when puts him in the running for biggest fucking fool worldwide.

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  • 08-09-2014, 11:01 AM
I'm guessing that, especially in the Senate where there is no districting, expenditures are going to be higher in larger and more populous states(More territory to cover, more assistants needed to handle the larger influx of phone calls, emails, etc.) as the story above would indicate. The largest populations are, in order California, Texas, New York and Florida.

The fact that California and Texas Senators spent the most is a non-story to me for that reason.
Now the amounts each office is spending may be a story but at an average of 2.5 million to run a Senate office including salaries, office equipment and travel doesn't really seem out of line. Originally Posted by boardman
I'm guessing that the Tea Party is going to have a hard time having folks take them serious if they make excuses for their leaders not cutting their own congressional budget while expecting the rest of government to cut theirs.
WTF, you moronic buffoon why don't you stop representing the TEA Party, their policy stances and their politicians? Your poor reading comprehension, inability to form logical conclusions and neurotic hatred for them makes you laughable.

Stick to things you're better at: dick sucking and racism.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WTF, you moronic buffoon why don't you stop representing the TEA Party, their policy stances and their politicians? Your poor reading comprehension, inability to form logical conclusions and neurotic hatred for them makes you laughable.

Stick to things you're better at: dick sucking and racism. Originally Posted by gnadfly
OK TURDfly, why don't YOU represent the TEA PARTY! What the fuck do they have to say about Cruz's penchant for wasteful government spending? What the fuck do they have to say about his elitist, wealthy, 1%-er, CANADIAN OIL MOGUL background?

You're a fucking fool if you think this guy gives a rats ass about you and your pathetic "movement."

Actually, you're a fucking fool, period!

If Ted Cruz was in fact a Liberal he would have spent much more than 3.8 Million. So consider yourselves lucky.

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  • WTF
  • 08-09-2014, 01:38 PM
WTF, you moronic buffoon why don't you stop representing the TEA Party, their policy stances and their politicians? Your poor reading comprehension, inability to form logical conclusions and neurotic hatred for them makes you laughable.

Stick to things you're better at: dick sucking and racism. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Sounds like you wanna suck a black dick.

If Ted Cruz was in fact a Liberal he would have spent much more than 3.8 Million. So consider yourselves lucky.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Lucky...that some SOB can run on cutting government spending, you vote for him and he can't even cut his on congressional spending. And then you Tea'billies defend him!

How is that lucky for me? Other than it cracks me the fuc up!
Sounds like you wanna suck a black dick.

Lucky...that some SOB can run on cutting government spending, you vote for him and he can't even cut his on congressional spending. And then you Tea'billies defend him!

How is that lucky for me? Other than it cracks me the fuc up! Originally Posted by WTF
What do you know about congressional spending anyway? Tell us all how much should it have been, what's reasonable?

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  • 08-09-2014, 05:48 PM
What do you know about congressional spending anyway? Tell us all how much should it have been, what's reasonable?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He ran on cutting government spending.

He should then at the very least spend less than his counterpart in Texas , John Cornyn.

Ted Cruz spent more than Cornyn.

If that is how he plans on cutting government spending then he should fit right in with the rest of them....but is that what you Tea'billies wanted? A big spender on his personal comfort?
He ran on cutting government spending.

He should then at the very least spend less than his counterpart in Texas , John Cornyn.

Ted Cruz spent more than Cornyn.

If that is how he plans on cutting government spending then he should fit right in with the rest of them....but is that what you Tea'billies wanted? A big spender on his personal comfort? Originally Posted by WTF
You think 3.8 Million is excessive don't ya? Excessive spending could be looked at not just how much is being spent but what you're spending it on as well. Texas has 26 Million people, ya want to sing the praise of the Democrats over in California they'll show ya what excessive spending is California is going bankrupt. What about that economic experiment the Democrats tried in Detroit ya wanna sing their praise too, I bet you do. Detroit looks like a war zone. Texas is as big as a small country it's not in trouble financially it's one of the most prosperous states in the country. Big deal so Cruz spent a little more than the other guy. You're really not worried about it anyway, cause you know it's not a major issue for Texas, besides Cruz is a conservative that's what bugs ya the most. So forget about that article it was written by an idiot anyway.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jim, you're a fucking idiot.
Jim, you're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Oh really, and you're a drone. How's that.
