Mission Accomplished!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

On the 14th of December, 2011 President Barack Obama took credit for the freedom in Iraq and celebrated the end of the war....at least for the United States. After spending five minutes doing shout outs Obama finally started talking about Iraq. At 8:45 on this video he describes Iraq as stable, democratic, and at peace. Mission Accomplished! is the message. Heck of a job Barry!

The men and women of the United States military and their families did a hell of a job to get this far. It is a shame that their leader faultered just short of the goal line. This is a failure of leadership at the highest level. All of those thousands that died (that Tampon cries alligator tears over) and the many thousand that left something behind, all of that sacrifice has been wasted along with the lives of our soldiers.

Iraq is going down into barbarism while Obama watches...and waits. That is the Obama legacy, to watch and wait. Now we are being treated to the typical Obama screed; we didn't know, I didn't know, it's not my fault (the intelligence was bad) despite many warnings that things were going wrong. Obama was distracted doing other things.

Ironically, at 18:45 on this video, Obama says that we will take care of our veterans medical needs and Michelle (what does she have to do with this?) is working on a project to create 100,000 jobs for returning veterans. How did that work out?

This video should be enshrined for future youth as what NOT to be when it comes to leadership. This can, and should, turn your stomach when you listen to what was said and then compare to what was done.

I know that the left has NO response to this as will be demonstrated on this site so let the apologies, fault finding, Bush blaming, deflections, and yes, a few snicks (from the intellectually challenged) begin.
Mission Accomplished! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Out of curiosity, I performed a "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Google search and the following was the first link found:


I appears JDIdiot mistook Obama for a Wilted Shrub!

"It's Bush's Fault"

The daster that is now unfolding is the direct result of Barack Obama’s decision to withdraw all American troops in 2011. When has such a catastrophically bad decision been cloaked in so much self-righteousness? Obama ran for president as the anti-Iraq war candidate, and his determination to terminate our presence in that country had nothing to do with strategic realities–which, in any event, he shows no sign of being able to comprehend–and everything to do with his own ego. So he deserves whatever insufficient opprobrium may now come his way
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-09-2014, 05:58 PM
The war in Iraq would be over if we would just leave already!

In fact there would not be a war to leave had we never went there in the first place.

So in a way you can blame the people that supported the 2003 invasion for us having to go back now.

Fact Jack!
novacain's Avatar
yeah that speech was about as good and as meaningful as this one
at least Barry didn't have to tell the same basic lies from the deck of an aircraft carrier at the cost of the tax payers trying to prove something to his daddy.

Oh, and I guess you forgot, when Bush left office, Iraq wasn't standing on it's own and OBL was still running free.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And you find this offensive because...

Yep, because ObAma is a NIGRA! You obviously think it's OK to say Dems are racist and using racism as a wedge against the right.

Fact is, you fucking assholes -- especially whir-LIE-turd -- ARE fucking racists, with every psychological warning sign that indicates extreme xenophobia and racial paranoia.

Combine that with utter stupidity and we threads like this. Every. Fucking. Day.

Lets call a spade a spade here, for once and for always. whir-LIE-turd is threatened by anybody who has an education, a job and a record of success in AMERICA, especially "jigs", right, Whir-LIE-turd?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They really keep going back to Bush on this. I guess since Obama tried it that they can too. Obama is never done anything wrong according to the left. Then again, Obama has NEVER succeeded in anything other than to fool people into voting for him. He failed at college, he failed at law school, he failed as a community organizer, he failed as a state senator, he is failing at being president.

The difference is (not that they really care) that Bush did not put up that banner. That was the Welfare and Rec fund on the USS Lincoln that put it up. Typical for the navy to do that when arriving back home. You can keep up the lies but historians will know better.
They really keep going back to Bush on this......The difference is (not that they really care) that Bush did not put up that banner. That was the Welfare and Rec fund on the USS Lincoln that put it up. Typical for the navy to do that when arriving back home. You can keep up the lies but historians will know better. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The reason "they really keep going back to Bush on this," is because Shrubbie's name will forever be linked to the words MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Why? 'Cuz Shrubbie is the one who did the photo op, errrrr speech for the whole world to see and he did so directly under a prominently displayed MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner.

You can deflect that it was not Shrubbie's fault all you want but he was the Commander in Chief. He could have ordered the banner to be taken down. After all, it was a military vessel and he was the head MOFO in charge and he alone had the exclusive authority to have it removed. He may not have put the banner up but he damn sure was aware of its existence and no effort was made to remove it.

Some would call it guilt by association!

The MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner belongs to the Shrub exclusively and that is why, when you do a Google search of the words MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, the first item listed is the following:


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tampon really is a low life. He knows the truth but that doesn't stop him from trying stir up shit in the wading pool. The ship put up the sign. I know someone who was on the Welfare and Rec committee that did it. It did not come from the White House. It only described the Lincoln's mission and not the outcome of the war. You would make more points by pointing out what Bush said than by lying Tampon or does that cause you cramps?
Tampon really is a low life. He knows the truth but that doesn't stop him from trying stir up shit in the wading pool. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's rich! JDIdiot accuses me of trying to "stir up shit in the wading pool." Yet he was the one who stirred "up shit in the wading pool" when he started a thread titled MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!"

In other words, JDIdiot adheres to the age old theory of "do as I say not as I do."

As for stirring "up shit in the wading pool," JDIdiot can hang out the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" sign!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You can lick the crack of my ass. (a job that you are richly qualified for)