Yesterday’s email from
Subject: Losing badly

Dear MoveOn member,

If you haven’t been paying attention to the midterm elections yet, here’s a quick update: Democrats are losing. Badly.

Nate Silver, who picked every single state right in 2012, says the Republicans have a 60% chance of winning the Senate. The Washington Post’s polling experts put it at 82%. And if they’re right, the tea party’s entire agenda will be on a fast track through Congress.

But there’s still time to turn this election around—and we’ve got a plan to do just that.

Here’s the deal: In 2012, we quietly tested a groundbreaking new voter turnout strategy that proved to be one of the most effective tactics we’ve ever seen. In state after state, Democratic voter turnout increased by between 0.5% and 3.5%. That might not sound like much, but in a toss-up election, it’s huge. And because turnout is usually lower in a nonpresidential election, our impact this year could be even bigger.

Here’s the rub: in 2012, MoveOn members donated $850,000 for this project—enough to allow us to contact 12 million voters in 20 states. And we can only run projects like this again if MoveOn members pay for it—can you donate $3?

Maybe you’re thinking you’ll just take a break this election, that there isn’t that much at stake. If so, think again.

If Republicans take over both houses of Congress, they’ll have total control over the budget. Can you imagine what a true tea party budget would look like?

They’ll voucherize Medicaid, slash funding for the EPA, and the budget cuts in the sequester will seem like a warm-up act.

And you can forget about getting any reasonable judges confirmed for the Supreme Court if there’s a retirement in Obama’s last two years. Republicans will shut down the entire court system before they allow Obama to replace Scalia or Kennedy with a progressive and overturn Citizens United.

Polling experts agree that if the election were held today, Republicans most likely would take over the Senate. There’s still time to prevent it—but we need to get started NOW.

Can you contribute $3 to help stop the tea party takeover of the U.S. Senate?

As always, MoveOn is committed to electing not just any Democrats—but progressive Democrats.

So if you donate here you can be sure none of your money will be wasted on pro-war, anti-choice, Wall Street-loving pseudo-Democrats. Chip in $3 today.

Thanks for all you do.

NOVEMBER IS GOING TO BE BAD....REALLY BAD..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
TrendingIdiot, is this another


Or another


Or is it something similar?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Tea Party agenda sounds good to me. Why are they targeting Scalia or Kennedy? I thought Kennedy was reliably liberal? As for shutting down the pipeline, I guess they're referring to the nearly 200 empty seats created by Harry Reid when they refused to vote on an judges in the Bush years.

One of the biggest recipients of the entertainment industry’s dollars is Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes, who is in a tight battle against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).

Her donor list reads like a who’s who of Tinseltown: producer J.J. Abrams, Ben Affleck, comedian Jack Black, “Avatar” director James Cameron, Nicolas Cage, Danny DeVito, Cameron Diaz, DiCaprio, Jennifer Garner, director Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Jerry Seinfeld, Mike Myers and “Mad Men’s” Jon Hamm, all giving $5,200 each, the maximum amount an individual can give to a single candidate in a two-year election cycle.

Other Grimes donors include DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, Woody Allen, Ted Danson, America Ferrera, Leonard Nimoy, Streisand, “West Wing” writer Aaron Sorkin, Ben Stiller and Chris Rock.

If Republicans take over both houses of Congress, they’ll have total control over the budget. Can you imagine what a true tea party budget would look like? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
A Republican budget and a "true tea party" budget are two very different things.
I agree...but MoveOn doesn't.

A Republican budget and a "true tea party" budget are two very different things. Originally Posted by Submodo
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whir-LIE-turd is TRENDING bullshit again.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Why on earth would anyone vote for a Democrat? As bad as the US was in 2008, Obama and the Dems have made it worse.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why on earth would anyone vote for a Democrat? As bad as the US was in 2008, Obama and the Dems have made it worse. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I agree. But I will add "Why would anyone vote for a Republican?"
I agree. But I will add "Why would anyone vote for a Republican?" Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Uhhhh, perhaps because "a Republican" (or Democrat) happens to be the best and most qualified candidate in the race. Duh!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All we will get this November is more of the same. The only differences will be the degree of sameness.
All we will get this November is more of the same. The only differences will be the degree of sameness. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
How profound!

boardman's Avatar
They are raising money so they use scare tactics to do it. A certain percentage of the people will respond to "the sky is falling"...I'm sure they have the science and stats to back it up or they wouldn't release this stupid shit.

I get weekly calls from the NRA asking me to donate because Obama is trying to take our guns..."it's in the news every day". Then they continue on and on with the same type of rhetoric. They don't even ask me if I have time to talk they just start their speech.
I'm a proud member of the NRA but when I get these calls I've started just hanging up on them.
I get weekly calls from the NRA asking me to donate because Obama is trying to take our guns..."it's in the news every day". Then they continue on and on with the same type of rhetoric. They don't even ask me if I have time to talk they just start their speech.
I'm a proud member of the NRA but when I get these calls I've started just hanging up on them. Originally Posted by boardman
I stopped paying annual dues to the NRA for the very same reason, approximately 20 years ago. The only difference being was that at the time they were trying to solicit money because Clinton was allegedly trying to take my guns.

To this day, no one has ever knocked on my door, much less beat it down, demanding or even suggesting that I surrender my guns. In fact, they have not even sent me a letter! In fact, the only letters and/or phone calls I have received suggesting that it might happen were from the NRA, not the government.

Truthfully, I was much more concerned that the government would come to take my guns during the immediate aftermath of 9/11, than I have ever been during the Clinton or Obama Administration's.

Despite the fact that I have been a lifelong gun enthusiast, I have never regretted disassociating myself completely from the NRA.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uhhhh, perhaps because "a Republican" (or Democrat) happens to be the best and most qualified candidate in the race. Duh! Originally Posted by bigtex
If that were the case, of course. But the likelihood of that happening again in our lifetime is practically zero. Hasn't happened for at least 50 years, with the possible exception of McGovern in 1972. Neither major party is considering anyone worth a damn for 2016. And more local races, at least in Kansas, are even more disappointing.