"white girl bleed a lot" book exposing rampant black crime

Just picked this up. The facts are facts. Read, or better yet, experience it for yourself.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Oh my.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Somewhere among the comments I see the racist white cop managed to have broken bones in his face - is that true?
The "Ferguson Lie" is coming undone; so Obama sends Holder in to manage the process and the narrative..........gotta keep the race card in the game ya know.
First they told us Michael Brown was a gentle giant. That wasn’t true.

Then they told us this 18-year old, 6’4, 280-pounder was shot in the back, trying to get away. That’s not true either.

Then they told us the militarized police caused the days and nights of rioting. Not true.

They said police had no reason to unleash a cloud of pepper spray and tear gas on the demonstrators. False as well, as dozens of rocks and bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails and burning storefronts and bullets testify.

But by far, the biggest and the fattest lie to come out of Ferguson is the idea repeated from every news channel that somehow black people are victims of relentless violence at the hands of white people, especially a white police force!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The "Ferguson Lie" is coming undone; so Obama sends Holder in to manage the process and the narrative..........gotta keep the race card in the game ya know.
First they told us Michael Brown was a gentle giant. That wasn’t true.

Then they told us this 18-year old, 6’4, 280-pounder was shot in the back, trying to get away. That’s not true either.

Then they told us the militarized police caused the days and nights of rioting. Not true.

They said police had no reason to unleash a cloud of pepper spray and tear gas on the demonstrators. False as well, as dozens of rocks and bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails and burning storefronts and bullets testify.

But by far, the biggest and the fattest lie to come out of Ferguson is the idea repeated from every news channel that somehow black people are victims of relentless violence at the hands of white people, especially a white police force!
http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/col...-comes-undone/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I hope they do not seal the juvenile records - since they put into play he is a gentle giant and shit....
they done picked the wrong hero
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking LIAR, JLHomo.

Seventeen year olds are prosecuted as adults in Missouri.


More evidence that you're neither a lawyer nor Jewish.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The "Ferguson Lie" is coming undone; so Obama sends Holder in to manage the process and the narrative..........gotta keep the race card in the game ya know.
First they told us Michael Brown was a gentle giant. That wasn’t true.

Then they told us this 18-year old, 6’4, 280-pounder was shot in the back, trying to get away. That’s not true either.

Then they told us the militarized police caused the days and nights of rioting. Not true.

They said police had no reason to unleash a cloud of pepper spray and tear gas on the demonstrators. False as well, as dozens of rocks and bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails and burning storefronts and bullets testify.

But by far, the biggest and the fattest lie to come out of Ferguson is the idea repeated from every news channel that somehow black people are victims of relentless violence at the hands of white people, especially a white police force!
http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/col...-comes-undone/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You need to prove that this bullshit is true, Whir-LIE-turd. Just because "frontpagemag.com," a well-known bastion of journalism, says it's bullshit and you quote it , doesn't make it true.

They don't provide any evidence that their claims are true. You don't even stick to their script, just add the link to an article which you then paraphrased.

Fact is. Truth is. You continue to play fast and loose with the facts and the truth. But you don't ever seem to have the wherewithall to back up your bullshit with anything but MORE bullshit.

You're delusional enough to believe that you're the only one who knows what really happens and the rest of the world is part of a great conspiracy to pull the wool over your bleary, beady little eyes. I'm beginning to really believe that about you.

We should all use that as the benchmark for your level of intelligence and understanding.

That said, you need to be taken as seriously as Slobbrin or other ECCIE members we know to be intellectually challenged.

EVERY NEWS CHANNEL is lying. But your blog is telling the truth.

Go figure!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You're a fucking LIAR, JLHomo.

Seventeen year olds are prosecuted as adults in Missouri. (fuck does that prove, faggot?)


More evidence that you're neither a lawyer nor Jewish. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hey genius, you have to first be a juvenile before you are an adult. You could have committed some crimes then. If you assert that you are a good boy, we get to refute it.
Isn't there a sales manager somewhere yelling at you to get off the fucking computer, and try to sell something, or he will fire you even though his fat, ugly sister was stupid enough to marry you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great backpedal, JLHomo.

Strike one.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Great backpedal, JLHomo.

Strike one. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where the fuck did I backpedal?
Budman's Avatar
If only Barry & Michelle would have started a hash tag campaign this would all be over.

#Don't steal and burn shit, please.

It worked so well for the girls kidnapped by Boko Haram. I wonder where all those children are today and how their doing.
roaringfork's Avatar
...or better yet, experience it for yourself. Originally Posted by Nick Gers
Thanks: already have.

Cops (and others of us who have to live or work among folks from the hood) never know where the individual with whom we're dealing might be on the Slippery Slope of Entitlement:

1) I'm entitled to your money

2) I'm entitled to touch you

3) I'm entitled to hit you

4) I'm entitled to kill you

(Not exactly sure of the order here--just trying to avoid number four at this point.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As for the OP: I was doing genealogy a few years back and I was tracking down a distant cousin and found her name online. She had been raped and murdered by two black men in Tennessee. That worse part was where I found that. It was in an online publication called "The Root". It is a black seperatist and racist publication. They were celebrating the rape and murder of this woman because it was "payback" for all those years of slavery. She was 27 years old.

As for the follow up comments: a reporter tweeted that the police department has about a dozen witnesses that backed the policemen's account of the shooting. She was suspended by her organization. I guess she didn't follow the playbook. Wait, her publication is saying that she is not available right now because she is on leave and that she has not been suspended. Funny how quick that all happened. #christinebyers
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hang em all, eh, JDIdiot?
Assup, your excuse is needed. Do you believe:

A. Blacks commit no more crime than any other race or
B. They do, but it's all whiteys fault.

Liberals and coddle of criminals can't seem to decide.