I am getting shorter! An issue of height.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Does the height of a woman make a huge difference on whether you wish to see her or not? I know that some men like Amazonian types and others adore petite little things ... but would about two inches either way make a difference to you?

I found myself getting in an argument with a nurse yesterday because she said that my height was 5'5" and I told her that I was 5'7" on a bad day.

Well, I've been shrinking and it's bothering me to no end.

5'7" is just a good height. It's been a great height all of my life and I'm not willing to change that right now but my guess is that I'm going to have to go ... and change my website and ads to reflect the change.

And what's strange, is that I've had a few clients tell me that they didn't think that I was 5'7" in the most recent past. They were right, dammit.

I'm feeling weird about this situation. The people at the office where I was at just laughed and said that this was normal and part of aging. Ugh!

I'm going back in two weeks and in the interim, I'm going to do stretching exercises, work on my posture and do anything to make that height inch back up.

Anyone else here getting shorter? It's horrible. I'm telling you!

Grumbling kisses,
Yes getting old can suck. Not all of it but a few things. BTW, I only have a couple of inches to give you, but I would.
  • hd
  • 09-07-2011, 07:48 AM
you loose padding in joints as you age, including your spine, so loosing height is natural as we get older. But also during sleep or being in the horizontal, the padding will rejuvenate, so to speak and fill in with fluid thus adding a little height in the morning when you get up. You will be your tallest in the morning and shorten through out the day.

But as we age, I find other problems more bothersome than loosing a little height!!

Doctor of sizemology, hd
yaddayadda's Avatar
Hey EW, look at it this way, due to spinal compression your tits get closer to your fun parts, less work for me!

doublebogey49's Avatar
It wouldn't make any difference to me when choosing a provider, but I know how it feels to get the bad news. I have always been 5'10", which to me meant "almost 6 feet". During my last physical, the nurse measured me at 5'9" and I was kind of freaked out. Just a fact of aging, I guess.
Guest091314's Avatar
I would freak out if I was getting shorter!! Most times I am too skeptical to wear shoes to the door as I am 5'9 and I would hate to tower over my visitor. Then again I just hate wearing shoes where I am suppose to be comfortable LOL!
Iaintliein's Avatar
Get your bone density checked if you haven't already to be sure the loss is from disc height (the usual cause), and not decreased vertebral body height.

I don't think anything will reverse diminished disc height, but alternately stretching and relaxing the spine can move more nutrients into the disc to help maintain them, they are a vascular if memory serves, so that's the only way they get nutrients.

Some might say that hyaluronic acid and condroiten might help, but I've never seen a study that supports it.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Girl, get OFF your knees before you get measured again!

I hear that's one of your favorite positions....
Since I'm 6'3" I likely have a different perspective. Most of the women I see are shorter than me so finding one of comparable height is an especially intense turnon. I define a "short" woman as one being 5'6" or less. Any woman above that is of average height in my opinion and from my perspective. A short woman is fun because of their relative size comapred to me. It's fun when I can lift a short woman against a wall and lower her on my business. Short women are also fun to pop into a doggie positon to eat them out or fuck them silly. It's also fun to watch a short woman jumping up and down on my business while I hold their tits. Just my perspective.....from up here...
Guest091314's Avatar
It's fun when I can lift a short woman against a wall and lower her on my business. Originally Posted by txcwby6
I have always wanted someone to do that, but apparently nobody has ever been up to the challenge of doing that to a tall woman. Hopefully when I come back from leave, it will be accomplished.
  • hd
  • 09-07-2011, 02:45 PM
Height isn't a big deal to me, in fact, my idea of a perfect woman would be one that that is 3 feet tall with a flat head.
I have always wanted someone to do that, but apparently nobody has ever been up to the challenge of doing that to a tall woman. Hopefully when I come back from leave, it will be accomplished. Originally Posted by Alecia
Easier with a tall(er) woman since her legs are longer. asier to lift her legs up for support and hammer in and out. Always have a towel on your back..makes for better control and limits wall abrasions.