Caterpillars and Butterflies

I don’t like pimps and hate to see ladies who are their property. That being said I find it strange to have to say I can understand why pimps aren’t an extinct species: some ladies really need them.

I have no doubt at this point that pots of oil are being heated and a few very outspoken providers’ feathers have been ruffled and some guys are saying ‘bullshit’. So before you charge to the keyboards, hear me out.

Most of us I’m sure have heard the stories of ‘the ugly duckling’ or ‘the caterpillar and the butterfly’. The moral is that something that begins life in one form or another is transformed over time to become something completely different, wonderful and beautiful. It’s a natural process in nature which works every time unless something catastrophic happens to alter the process.

I think a lot of young ladies enter into provider status as caterpillars struggling with all the issues which cause human suffering along with the psychological scars resulting from them: love betrayed, terrible family lives, drug or alcohol addiction, and low self-esteem. And that last one is the string that the pimp – and you could say boyfriend, lover, SO in whatever form – comes to play like a violin. I don’t know what they use, pimp mantras maybe mumbled in staccato/rap fashion perhaps, I don’t know. But these girls need assurance and polishing to at least temporarily go forth day to day believing they are wonderful and worthy of being paid for what they offer.

…Because for some ladies – and its true for men too – for some ladies that low self-esteem, regardless of how much they say everything is fine, how tough they talk, what they wear or how they look, that low self-esteem is seen and felt by others. It is the reason why – all things being equal – Jane Cutie doesn’t have the appeal of Suzee Q, why people look at Jane when she walks into a room and a ‘streetwalker’ image is attached to her while Suzee gets admiring looks and acceptance.

Ladies who come to the business - tough and smart though they may be - with a ‘streetwalker’ self-image will NEVER attract the guys who will gladly pay the premium prices for an hour or two of her time or even the lofty fee of an all-day or overnight experience. Beautiful though they may be, she doesn't radiate that she knows she's special from the inside. It’s either there or it isn’t. The confident ladies - the true pros - have it and no pimp can or will ever shake them from knowing how priceless and unique they are. The rest are on shaky ground depending on a ‘pimp’ in some form or other be it a man, a woman, a SO, drugs or alcohol. They’re caterpillars who haven’t morphed into what they need to be to become themselves or play in this game at the highest levels.

Sometimes it takes time to make the transition and I understand there are late bloomers in all things, but the point is: as long as some ladies remain caterpillars slugging around not doing the TCB, making excuses, waiting for Sweet D to tell them they’re okay… they can expect caterpillar guys offering caterpillar prices expecting caterpillar services and lots of it. Put more plainly, you can't look and act like a streetwalker and expect call girl prices.

Butterflies pick and choose their flowers. They can easily find the sweetest ones and reap their rewards. And there are many flowers waiting to have their nectar sipped and their pollen removed. Guys grab their nets hoping to snag the beautiful butterflies and in their zeal, some caterpillars might be trampled underfoot. Butterflies are what they are. They don’t need to be reminded. They don’t need convincing. They aren’t tied down waiting for approval, for the next ‘pep talk’, the next beating, to see the gleam of acceptance that they ‘done good’ for the day.

Some of you ladies need to decide what you are and what you want to be. There is no reason some of you should not be getting calls, getting good clients, and able to choose your ‘flowers’.

Just a little food for thought and motivation for my favorite stubborn ‘caterpillar’….
pyramider's Avatar
I use insecticides for a reason.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I am very much a butterfly and I choose, very carefully which flowers that I want to land on!

Thank you, legman for posting this.....I sure hope it helps alot of ladies decide what they are!
Very, very well said! Excellent post!!
Thank you Dannie. It's a high compliment indeed coming from you.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-06-2011, 09:10 PM
This is a very moving post... I read this post this morning and wanted to make a comment there is so much I could say, but I do believe you said everything that needed to be said.... Well done my friend, well done....
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 11-07-2011, 04:54 AM
Good words legman...

Also please stay away from posting your personal drama (not alerts) on this site. Remember, this is not Las Vegas and it will stay here forever. Be SMART!
LazurusLong's Avatar
I just threw up all over my desk.

There's a pimps in Dallas serving time for compelling minors to hook. Were they caterpillars waiting to spread their wings as butterflies?

There are pimps in Dallas who find underage girls at bus stops and hook them on drugs and force them to hook to pay for their habit. Are they ever going to be clean and away from that first hit off the pipe the pimp got them to try because she trusted him?

There are dead bodies around Dallas of pimped girls who dared to speak up and leave. Sorry but those rotting corpses will never turn into butterflies.

NONE of those girls in MY post needed a pimp. PLENTY of other options in her life.

Your post screams you are trying to justify the actions of pimps simply because the pimps feed the trough of fresh pussy this hobby market craves. And since it fills YOUR needs by bringing in the new talent who has been brainwashed, you get to fuck it for cash and consider it a win win.
You missed an analogy that would have tied your post together. It relates to those who try to get a young lady to leave her pimp....

When the caterpillar is in its cocoon, you will notice towards the end of transformation that it is fighting and struggling against the shell of its cocoon. However, if you "help" the caterpillar by cutting open that cocoon for him, he will never be able to fly. You see, the caterpillar NEEDS that struggle in order to have enough strength in its wings to fly... without the struggle, it will never fly.

Remember-- you can't FORCE a butterfly to leave its cocoon-- they can only leave when they are strong enough and ready.
Lazarus, I do indeed truly agree with your proclaimed title. You are indeed a thread killer. Please try a little decaf first thing in the morning....

To jump to the end of what you said, I have 2 (two) ladies that I visit. One is married and a UTR fave; the other young lady is a verified provider here who not one client has ever stated has or is suspected to have a pimp. So I do not see, promote, frequent or otherwise knowingly associate with pimped girls or pimps either. Nothing I've ever said in any post in any forum should ever even hint that I like pimps. I've worked 2 different jobs and witnessed directly the day to day effects of what pimps can do and their end products: broke, diseased, pregnant, addicted, psychologically damaged, without education or training, children to care for on their own.

Your hate of pimps blinds you to the whole thing I was saying. There are girls whose self-esteem is so low that pimps ARE their drugs, their daddies, their lovers, their coaches, their everything. Their approval or disapproval is what makes their day. It makes their whole world. Turn off the praise and hammer them with put downs to 'punish' them or switch it on and push them out the door with renewed effort to please.

They don't need them. It's up to these ladies to realize it. Cora made a good point that once they decide to change - and that's the beginning, the decision to do so - it's a struggle, a necessary one.
bojulay's Avatar
I've always found entomology and botany to be fascinating subjects.
Did you know that there are over 1,000,000 insect species,
and over 400,000 plant species, and science discovers new ones every day.
[quote=legman+;1817150]I don’t like pimps and hate to see ladies who are their property. That being said I find it strange to have to say I can understand why pimps aren’t an extinct species: some ladies really need them.

I have no doubt at this point that pots of oil are being heated and a few very outspoken providers’ feathers have been ruffled and some guys are saying ‘bullshit’. So before you charge to the keyboards, hear me out.

Thought I'd copy and paste for any new girl coming in to read as well....

OK. For all the young girls.. that are just not breaking into this business... with a pimp... and have been asked to be branded with a "CROWN"....
Ask yourself....
1. Do you have a car? (or is he your only transportation)
2. Do you have freedom to get you a car? (or does he hold all the money)
3. Do you have freedom to get your nails done ... when you need them done cause you are out and about in YOUR car and see a nail shop and have the money to stop? (or again.. does he hold all the money and have the ONLY car in the "family" cause he drops you off everywhere)
4. Do you have the freedom to go shopping when you WANT to.. or does He have to plan every outting you have cause he has the ONLY car and ALL the money?
5. What really does he do for you.. beside drive you around... because he has the ONLY car.. and give you some money.. (that you have made anyways.)
6. Is he really royalty? Honestly? Where did he come from? Did you meet him at a club you were dancing at. Was he surrounded with body guards and a limo with a fleet of cars surrounding it? Ex. "Coming to America" with Eddie Murphey.
If not... then why in the Heck would you Crown him as your king. He's nothing. He ONLY has a nice car ... because YOU have supplied him with the Same money you would've had to buy your own with. He's only flashy because with jewelry and nice clothes... because of you and the things you do to get the money for him.
The same place you live in... can be paid for by YOU... if you, yourself, manage your own money. Really when you look at it.. what is he managing? NOTHING... but his own finances.. and of course... he's gonna keep you happy because YOU are the one supplying him all the nice things he has. AGAIN, ONLY BECAUSE OF YOU AND WHAT YOU DO TO MAKE HIM MONEY.
Girls, listen... the simple fact is... the word "PIMP" is a term used for someone who is lazy and exploits your body for HIS gain. He is nothing to you and you will never have anything as long as you cannot "manage" yourself.
It's simple ladies. Take the money you've been giving him... and SAVE it. Within ONE call you can be in your own room.
Within a weeks time.. you can be well on your way to having an apartment in ONE MORE MONTH.
Within Two months time.. be in that apartment with furniture.. and saving for a car. All you have to do is save. Something your pimps not doing... because more than likely he's spending money you made on his own car... adding nice rims to it... buying a new gold necklace for his nice suit he just bought... for when he goes out to the club to party or recruit another simple girl... while you stay at the cheap hotel room to work.. for his next money for his next ventures out and about without you.. in his nice car.. with his nice rims.

Come on ladies. Weed these low lifes out of business.
Make them make their own way in life. Don't sell your body for them. It's a priceless thing and we as providers have put a price on something that we live for with forever.. long after we are done doing this. So, if you're gonna do it... reap the benefits of it yourself and don't give it away to someone not worthy of it.

Legman.... for this one... I give you the standing "O". These girls need to hear this perspective. There is no need for a pimp. NONE. Everything you do on your own, he is not a part of. He's not there to protect you if in 5 seconds of someone walking thru the door slices your throat. While he is in his caddy in the parking lot for the next 55 minutes, licking his chops, waiting on the green money to be in his pocket, YOU LAY THERE AND ARE HURT. So, what did HE protect you from? Nothing. They are worthless and should be put to work cleaning toilets. Let them make their own way in life. Goes back to everything I have ever told any girl that has asked me questions about this hobby... in the end, long after "DADDY" is gone... we still have to live with what we have done. So, if you're gonna live with it, make the most out of it, because it will only last so long. Make the money while you can and save save save.


All I'm saying.

Amber Rain
Thank you, Amber! There's a little something else that's kind of set aside here and my that was on girls without pimps who are struggling because they have a bad self-image and don't TCB.

An interesting story some of these ladies ought to read if nothing else but out of curiosity is 'Samson and Delilah'. Why would a man return to see a woman again and again KNOWING she has tried to have him killed? What makes her so attractive and appealing that he would return to her bed at the risk of death?

There are so many little things that separate a good provider from a great one: a little text 'Thank you for a great time', the offer of a drink, great hygiene, taking a moment to ask and listen to a guy's interests and hobbies, making a session a true escape from whatever else is going on his life, elevating the bedroom activities up from 'services performed' to 'services delightfully performed'. Bad hygiene, constant texting or talking on the phone, messy incall, excessive drinking, robotic acts and squeals - I know some gals think we're dummies but even a dummy can get to sense what's real and what isn't.

You can't dress and act like a streetwalker and expect call girl prices. The great guys don't have to be hustled. If you don't look or act any different than the typical $40 girl at the end of a dark alley, why the heck do you think you're going to get $300 an hour?

There's a reason some ladies young or old command the prices they do and it isn't all about looks. When a man enters their bedrooms, he enters a sanctuary where his pleasure and his satisfaction are all that matters. And if the young ones haven't figured this simple fact out yet here it is: boost a man's ego and his penis will rise along with it. He will cum and he will come... over and over and over again. And he will brag about it to others....

You ladies should know what that mean$.
I've always found entomology and botany to be fascinating subjects.
Did you know that there are over 1,000,000 insect species,
and over 400,000 plant species, and science discovers new ones every day.
LOL. I love a smartass.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Another one who will never become a butterfly. Any guesses on if it was a PIMP who forced her into prostitution before she ended up taking her own life?