Dumbfounded and Agog: Voter ID AGAIN?
The non-election news today about the federal court ruling on voter ID law in Texas caught me by surprise. This was settled—right?
Now we hear, yet again, that requiring positive ID from someone when they register to vote and when they cast a ballot somehow discriminates against minorities. I have never understood this argument. While it may infect be the case that an individual cannot get the documentation together in time for a specific election day, major elections come up every 24 to 48 months. Two to four years is plenty of time to get your affairs in order for voting.
There are any number of ACORN surrogates and spin-off organizations that make a big deal out of this issue . . .but they never buckle down and work to get their constituents what is needed to comply with the voter ID law.
The mid-term elections in 2018 are over 36 months off now—plenty of time for any potential voter to get it right.