If we don’t offer a service . Don’t try to buy our discomfort.

sashabenjamin's Avatar
I’m currently running a discount for Eccie members who Prebook , in hopes of getting reviews here.

I had a guy in the Gainesville, FL area message me a few months ago saying how he’d love to see me but I don’t offer BBBJs which is “integral” to his “experience.” I explained to him , the irrelency of his message. As there’s no point in telling me the reason why you won’t see me. I could care less. I even explained why I don’t offer this service and he thanked me for giving him an understanding and apologized.

Fast forward to a few minutes ago. He decided to message me AGAIN and remind me of our previous messages. Claiming I’m so beautiful and sweet . THEN, verbatim...

“I have never asked for a discount from a provider because I never want to insult her. Being that a CBJ doesn’t do anything for me and a bbbj is an integral part of my play. Would you be willing to further discount your rates and I would write a review? I hope I didn’t insult you but with CBJ, I’d be having half of the fun.”

Not only are you asking me again to do a service I wholeheartedly will never offer. You decide to offer me LESS money on top of the discount I’m already offering.

Gentleman please... There’s so many ladies in this industry. Why try and push the envelope to see someone who doesn’t offer what you like? If we don’t offer something or even explain why we’re uncomfortable with offering it, don’t try and buy our discomfort! This was a level of disrespect that I can’t even grasp the reasoning. This is not OK any level, at all. It’s disgusting, selfish and rude.

Is it possible to block this guy? I “ignored user” but is that the only option? I wish to have no further contact wth this guy. I am truly disgusted.

No amount of money will ever make me jeopardize my comfort , safety or health. Placing bare leaking penis in my mouth is not something I’m interested in doing for any amount of money.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Some people don't like being told no. Maybe they're gluttons for rejection?
I'm going to guess he's been able to wear girls down in the past and is just chasing the dream once again....annoying.
Imo a real man and true gentleman handles being told 'no' with grace (like leaving it alone the first time) or really just doesn't even attempt to convince her because he "asked nicely" and thought it didn't hurt just to ask.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

Placing bare leaking penis in my mouth is not something I’m interested in doing for any amount of money. Originally Posted by sashabenjamin
You may in fact be in the wrong profession.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Some people don't like being told no. Maybe they're gluttons for rejection?
I'm going to guess he's been able to wear girls down in the past and is just chasing the dream once again....annoying.
Imo a real man and true gentleman handles being told 'no' with grace (like leaving it alone the first time) or really just doesn't even attempt to convince her because he "asked nicely" and thought it didn't hurt just to ask. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
The word "Gentleman" is bandied around too often, and to describe too crass of individuals. Much like many of the "ladies" here are ladies as much as the gentlemen are.

As a gentleman, I would never ask. Then again, Sasha would never receive an inquiry from me because the services she provides aren't for a gentleman like me, they're for the blue-collar "leaking penises" she's adamant about avoiding.

To wit; you can't serve a blue collar collection of clients, then complain that they aren't ivy-league educated gentleman of landed aristocracy!
  • rouge
  • 01-03-2019, 08:04 AM
I work on the premise that a donation is for time and what happens between two consisting adults is a private matter. Nobody is selling or buying a specific act but I can say from my experience with women in general is: The better you treat, spoil, respect boundaries the better chances of a good connection. On the other a hand, as a man who loves DATY if I was a male escort and I was called upon to provide a service to a 400# 70 yo diabetic woman sitting in a leather chair all day. I might have to pass on the DATY, not that I dont LOVE LOVE LOVE it, its just YMMV.
If a provider doesn't offer the services I want, I just keep looking. No need to waste her time or mine.