A mistake was made...gay marriage in Utah

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
On top of the Duck Dynastygate debacle, today a judge decided that the people of Utah cannot decide their own social laws. It is a mistake to force one of the most conservative states in the union to accept gay marriage. It was also a mistake to threaten the people who are on and watch Duck Dynasty. There is a ground swell that threatens the gay agenda and liberalism in general. This is piled on top of the failure of big government to do what private companies do every day.
Read this one just a bit ago. . Kind of ingesting. A little bit related to this thread.

Worth a peek.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2013, 01:30 PM
How about no government entity discriminating aganist one group? How about we not try and base laws on biblical bullshit. Unless you want to live like the backward ass Muslims.
How about no government entity discriminating aganist one group? How about we not try and base laws on biblical bullshit. Unless you want to live like the backward ass Muslims. Originally Posted by WTF

Word. +1
On top of the Duck Dynastygate debacle, today a judge decided that the people of Utah cannot decide their own social laws. It is a mistake to force one of the most conservative states in the union to accept gay marriage. It was also a mistake to threaten the people who are on and watch Duck Dynasty. There is a ground swell that threatens the gay agenda and liberalism in general. This is piled on top of the failure of big government to do what private companies do every day. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is no ground swell or anything like it. Unless it is among old people.

Get it straight. By a large majority, people under 30 simply do NOT care about gay marriage. And a large plurality of folks in their 40 and 50s aren't opposed to it either.

The only reason to keep marriage laws the way they were is to keep old people from being offended. And that is no reason to discriminate.

And the old farts are dying off.

This won't even be an issue in 20 years, probably not in 10.

There goes your ground swell.
There is a ground swell of BS from JD.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No groundswell? Tell that to A & E and Cracker Barrel. Tell that to the hundreds who joined a Duck Commander run in Louisiana. Tell that to the millions who friended a Facebook page boycotting either A & E or Cracker Barrel. Every state that has "gay marriage" has had it put in by judicial fiat usually overriding a vote of the people. NO state has voted in gay marriage.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
There might be ground swell at some point. Just because young folks accept gay marriage right now doesn't mean they always will. The theory isn't tried, tested and true quite yet. Don't get me wrong, as long as there are erections there will be people putting them anywhere they can, but the idea of giving a couple dudes a tax break and insurance benefits for buggering the poophole might not be an eternal axiom. Now this homophobe really has no problem with a couple of fruits blending into a salad; I'm just not really on board with government having any say in matrimonial affairs.
FU_CC's Avatar
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  • 12-24-2013, 07:16 AM
There might be ground swell at some point. Just because young folks accept gay marriage right now doesn't mean they always will. The theory isn't tried, tested and true quite yet. Don't get me wrong, as long as there are erections there will be people putting them anywhere they can, but the idea of giving a couple dudes a tax break and insurance benefits for buggering the poophole might not be an eternal axiom. Now this homophobe really has no problem with a couple of fruits blending into a salad; I'm just not really on board with government having any say in matrimonial affairs. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

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  • 12-24-2013, 08:22 AM





WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-24-2013, 10:02 AM
. Now this homophobe really has no problem with a couple of fruits blending into a salad; I'm just not really on board with government having any say in matrimonial affairs. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Either give all married couples the exact same rights or give them none, just do it equally.

This gay marriage issue is just like inter-racial marriage was back in the '50's. I still know really old rednecks against but nobody but say a JD would come out for a law against inter racial marriage. Some folks just have a hard time moving out of the past!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I didn't catch that at first. This isn't about gay marriage. This is about people who are angry that they're being forced to accept something that the majority has repeatedly said that they don't want. This is about the gay bully who forces private concerns to modify their opinions and policies for a vocal, radical minority. Note Chik fil A, Cracker Barrel, Phillip Robertson. The public always comes down on the side of true diversity, free speech, freedom of thought and traditional values.
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 12-24-2013, 10:20 AM
where are ALL johnny54 SPERM?
OH FUCK johnny54 VIETNAMESE, why the FUCK you want with mi SPERM?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-24-2013, 10:45 AM
I didn't catch that at first. This isn't about gay marriage. This is about people who are angry that they're being forced to accept something that the majority has repeatedly said that they don't want. This is about the gay bully who forces private concerns to modify their opinions and policies for a vocal, radical minority. Note Chik fil A, Cracker Barrel, Phillip Robertson. The public always comes down on the side of true diversity, free speech, freedom of thought and traditional values. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Only a bigot would believe that shit. A true conservative believes in equality for all, not a select few.

No gays are forcing a straight person to have gay sex, all they want is equality. I agree with them on that principal.

Phil can spout his shit, so can Sara Palin and so can Martin Bashir for that matter but their words could effect their jobs. Their employment contract is where Duck Dynasty fight is at. I haven't seen it but the networks usually have their ass covered in these matters.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not in any of the age groups you mentioned, ExNYer, but I don't give a frog's fat ass about gay marriage either.

I do and have always opposed religious zealots trying to create societal laws in the image of their interpretation of some ancient book. Unlike the fucking Constitution, the fucking Bible can't be changed (allegedly.)

JDIdiot can take his Duck Dynasty victim groundswell and stick it up his retrogressive, Neanderthal, bible thumping ASS.

(What does the fucking Bible say about men who ask for pictures of other men's JUNK?)