Delete My Account Please:

Crimson32's Avatar
For what it's worth, I enjoyed this site and the people on this board. I've got to move along now before I end up wrecking things in my personal life. I did this for the experience and.. I've experienced what I needed to.. I've had great encounters with great providers and hobbiest alike.. But due to more personal reasons my focus needs to be else where. Thanks Eccie!! What a Fucking Place to be,, had fun, and had a lot of fucking fun... But please, Delete my account- Im out:::
Sir Lancelot's Avatar

Your request is being processed.

It was good to have you with us for a while. Take care.

Very well said, Crimson. And it apears that my time has come as well. Sir Lancelot, could you please do me the honor of deactivating my account as well?

Thank you all for the memories!
I think I will follow suit and join Crimson and Adam in the real world. Please delete my account as well.

I share the sentiments of the previous posters - I need to alter the karma in my personal life - it has been a great ride but it is time to leave the carnival behind - PLEASE DELETE MY ACCOUNT

  • RFPD
  • 04-30-2013, 01:21 PM
I have had the same notions of late. Time to persue other hobbies.

Thanks so much.
johnnybax's Avatar
Please email with your request.