My first review

Please look at my first review and let me know what you think. Also if it qualifies for upgraded access
gman44's Avatar
looks good enough to me except make sure you use our review template. Not saying you didn't but the BCD/Comments/ROS info was out in the open; fixed now; and describe some of the activities in the Comments section

click on the link 'Sample Reviews' in my sig line as it will help you
Bankker66 why are you masking your link on the review? And why would you mislead anyone to believe you were linking the provider's showcase? I really would like to see what the answer to this is, now that your original question has been answered.
it was simply copied off of the address bar and appears to have somehow been mixed up.
ive tried to see how to write in the ROS area but do not understand how to access a the hidden area.
gman44's Avatar
when you click on 'New Review' its the last box at the bottom that says 'The Rest of the Story'
Now I see should I re do the review there as I did it as a simple post.