Got a spare $120K lying around in a dresser drawer? You could blow it on one of these!,2817,2461254,00.asp

Long ago, when I was young and beautiful, I thought $120K ought to get you a nice pad with 4,000 sq. ft. and a 3-car garage.

More recently, I thought it ought to buy you something with plenty of luxurious features, that pleasant "new car" smell, and well in excess of 400 hp.

Now, at least in this instance, it will only get you an ultra-high-definition (4K) TV!

Uh, no thanks. I believe I'll wait.

Any A/V enthusiasts here? What's the future of stuff like this?

It's my understanding that signal quality from Blu-ray and other sources isn't good enough yet to fully utilize 4K capability. Maybe that will change soon.

In any case, if history is a useful guide, one could reasonably expect that prices for top quality monitors will drop like a stone over the next 5-7 years. I remember when plasma TVs were placed on display (c. 1998) at showrooms like High Fidelity in Dallas. Initially, 42" monitors with poor resolution (by today's standards) were priced at approximately $20,000. Within about five years, you could buy one for one-quarter of that amount. A few years ago, I paid less than $2,000 each for 1080p 65" Panasonic high-def TVs.

But a few people don't mind paying top dollar for the latest and the greatest. In this case, there are probably few takers outside the universe of Silicon Valley tech titans, Gulf State petro-billionaires, and various other "0.001 percenters."

I'm sure the display is quite beautiful, though!
planojim's Avatar
If you're looking to buy a new TV, and can wait, Your best bet will be in a month to six weeks. That's when the new Vizio 4K TV's should be on the market.
The next time will be around Xmas time.
But...are networks and cable channels equipped to broadcast in 4K?

That was the issue when I got my first plasma years ago. There were a handful of cable/satellite stations that could only do this before it was mandated that everybody start broadcasting in hi-def.

If you haven't seen a demo 4K TV it is worth the trip to Best Buy to look at one. Absolutely stunning.
planojim's Avatar
A month ago I read an article in a broadcasting related magazine and they said that by 2020 over half of the TV's in use will be 4K TV's.
4K won't be like 3D. Netflix already is, or will soon, start some 4K related programs.
You're right! The 4K TV's (with a 4K attached signal) at Best Buy do ROCK!

But...are networks and cable channels equipped to broadcast in 4K?

That was the issue when I got my first plasma years ago. There were a handful of cable/satellite stations that could only do this before it was mandated that everybody start broadcasting in hi-def.

If you haven't seen a demo 4K TV it is worth the trip to Best Buy to look at one. Absolutely stunning. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Imagine watching a porno on that thing, why that's............ultra porn!!!
Where is DFWHobbyist when we need him?
Roothead's Avatar
The kicker is that as "cool" as it is, in 12 months it will have been eclipsed by something even more "cool", so, at what point do you just end up never upgrading till the current unit dies?