Oil wrestling

lilsmurf's Avatar
Any providers have a place we could oil wrestle, in private maybe?
I'll bring the oil. Lots of it. I was thinking creamed corn too, but oil would be more cost effective.
I don't see that advertised much?
Send me a PM, if yall know of anyone.
Now that is funny!

I was thinking about mud though. :-), but your idea is kinda H.O.T.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Dirty girl!
berkleigh's Avatar
you know I am down for this..........
Count me in.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Jello is the way to go without a doubt...LOL Although I like creamed corn now and again, not sure I'd want to roll around in it...'-) Oil is slippery, but not very tasty. I've also seen liquid chocolate wrestling...would have loved to be in the middle of that...LOL
otrdriver's Avatar
Tara, chocolate or strawberry sauce??

Heading to Wally world.......