Who's your fantasy fuck? Tv, Movies, Celebrities, and historical figures?

Who's your fantasy fuck?

I have a few, though some are labeled fantasy kiss because I was so young when they were popular.

Egon - Ghost Busters cartoon then movies (RIP Harold Ramis)

Gambit- from Uncanny X-Men cartoon

Benjamin Franklin- dude could write two different letters in two different hands at the same time, imagine what he could do BCD.

Anjolina Jolie - nuff said

And Kristen Bell - ditto.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Faye Reagan
Ann-Margret Olsson , red hot
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Boltfan's Avatar
Black Widow...
Boltfan's Avatar
Oh and Lady Sif
bigphd's Avatar
I always wanted to do Jaclyn Smith
syeira pink's Avatar
Bill Clinton and a cigar!!!!!!!!!

daty/o's Avatar
Originally Posted by General Feuerbacher
Met her in Arlington. Charlie Rose had interview show taped in Arlington at Ch 11 studios. She and 5 other Bunnies were on stage and he interview them and they took questions from audience. Me and 2 buddies bought all the Playboys with the girls in them and they signed them after the show. Still have it. She was cool.
  • fryec
  • 04-10-2014, 08:41 PM
Black Widow... Originally Posted by Boltfan
  • fryec
  • 04-10-2014, 08:43 PM
Olivia Wilde
Jennifer Love Hewitt OH My !!!
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Christina Hendricks - Mad Men, sultry red-head bombshell

Robin Meade - Headline News - Morning anchor
Alison Brie!!!