Navy leaders recommend reinstating the Roosevelt captain fired over a virus warning.

  • pxmcc
  • 04-24-2020, 05:16 PM
this right here just made my day. there's hope for america yet..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Ain't it wild how from day 1 and even before how he's shit on the US military, numerous war heroes, made a mockery of the Purple Heart, the FBI, and the CIA. The only people he didnt shit on are local cops because he figured they were unintelligent low wage earning local foot soldiers that make up the part of his base that he's called the uneducated that he loves. Wheew that was a lot.

He's single-handedly turned Republicans and his voters against the military and other war heroes. His supporters are throughly confused they all thought Obama was supposed to be the guy doing this and now they're all suffering cognitive dissonance it really is sad and humorous to watch all at the same time.

Here he goes trashing America on Fox News at that. As a progressive liberal and Marxist I couldn't have asked for a more anti American president than Donald Trump. The guy is as anti American as they come.

  • pxmcc
  • 04-24-2020, 08:15 PM
lol sir..
And the best the dems can do is Biden?
No wonder they are so fucked up
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Please. There is no reasonable comparison to Biden and Trump. Your point is further delegitimize because you guys literally say this about everyone. Obama was Ivy league educated, served 13 yrs in the Illinois Senate, a lawyer, college professor, community activist, graduated with Honors Summa Cum Laude, banged plenty of white bitches growing up in Hawaii but ultimately stayed in his own lane and married a black. He did everything white people tell us we need to do to be acceptable and yet he still got vilified on some racist shit.

Conversely you guys had 15 candidates to choose from in 2016 and you chose the ass class clown. The dumbest guy in the room. Think about that for a sec. You could have chosen men like John Kasich or Jeb Bush and yet you chose this insanely incompetent dipshit.

So save the Biden commentary. Yall used that card up on Hillary Clinton. Ok? Hahahaha
  • pxmcc
  • 04-25-2020, 12:01 PM
^^and very recently, they could've had mike pence. at least he's not a clinical case..

he would be a legit opponent to beat. only reason trump has a chance still is he's going to cheat as sure as you're alive.

Barack was a Constitutional law prof at Univ of Chicago, one of the top 5 law schools in the country. he should be offered a post on the Supreme Court after Biden gets elected.

McConnell needs to go, and quickly. i really want to head butt that ahole multiple times. he thinks he's funny, but he needs to see me behind the woodshed and we'll see if he's still laughing after i'm finished with him.
Obama never held a real job. Did you get your Piece of the pie?
  • pxmcc
  • 04-25-2020, 12:16 PM
^^lol tbone. how many people do you know who could be hired as a Con Law prof at a top 5 law school? pretty sure the answer is 0. if it's not, name em.
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^^ Apparently, affirmative action worked out well for him.....
  • pxmcc
  • 04-25-2020, 12:46 PM
^^^^^ Apparently, affirmative action worked out well for him..... Originally Posted by Russ38
actually russ his quals were crazy. Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Law Review, #1 in his graduating class, several Mock Trial/Moot Court national championships, am-jurred (top in the class) like 4 classes as a 1L, etc. etc. His blackness had nothing to do with why he got hired at U Chic. he was an extremely popular prof at U Chic and there were wait-lists for his Con Law classes. he had, i guess you would say, law student groupies. but he always knew he was going to be President of the United States. U Chic was just a stop-over for him. the other faculty wondered why he didn't go to their socials and whatnot; he had bigger fish to fry.

sorry russ. i know that wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. i've seen the results when someone was hired mainly because of affirmative action, and it's not pretty.
Russ38's Avatar
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
this right here just made my day. there's hope for america yet.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

I hope you're sitting goes..........I completely agree with you.

The person who fired the captain and then talked shit about him is gone. The captain is headed back to his boat. Problem solved and rectified.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^^^^^ Apparently, affirmative action worked out well for him..... Originally Posted by Russ38
If you were a true intellectual you'd know that Affirmative action could get you through the door but it wont keep you have to make the grades to stay. Not only did he stay he graduated honors. What part of Cumma Sum Laude do you not understand? But to answer your racist theory let me help you out. His parents went to Harvard so his specific admission into Harvard couldnt have been based on affirmative action. Maybe legacy based like most white people but definitely not affirmative action.

Not saying this is the case with you but I know a lot of formally uneducated people who are white and they actually believe that by virtue of their white skin they actually belong in the same social class and intellectual circles as Barrack Obama. I will say this to you and anyone else that challenges Obama's legitimacy. The guy is a savant and academically and intellectual he'd literally run circles around you. That's not my opinion. That's a certified fact. If you dont think so then tell me what college did you graduate from and what was your GPA? What was the single most meaningful job you've held or better yet what career accomplishment do you have that's contributed to humanity?

I rest my case again. Like I said you ain't ever ready or prepared to debate me. Go back and count your ones $$$ before you try to debate me. Ok...thanks
Russ38's Avatar
And again I say.......

Z.....Fucking phony.....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You can feel and say whatever racist little thing is in your heart it will never make you better than men who are greater and 1000x more accomplished than you. Now run along and deal with that shit.