Hertz stock

VitaMan's Avatar
The company filed bankruptcy May 26. Stock went to 56 cents. Then shot up over $ 5 in a matter of a few days.......back to $ 2.......now $ 2.66.

This company has huge debts......even Carl Icahn gave up and sold all shares at a huge loss....does anyone think this company can continue to exist in its present form, and will have something left for current shareholders coming out of bankruptcy ?
Stocks are a forward looking mechanisms. If I bought all the stocks I thought were dead I would be a millionaire.

I consider Hertz a travel company. The only reason to buy Hertz now was if you believed there was upside to the stock. The question to answer is do you see in upturn in people renting cars?

For the short term I do not see people flying and renting cars. Maybe as we learn more about the virus and if we learn the that not everyone is not going to the hospital people we might start renting more cars.

The demographics that do a lot of traveling are retired people who are more susceptible to the virus.

As of now the bankruptcy tells me the company is dieing. The question is can the company turn itself around and be a profitable company or will it's creditors force it into liquation.

Too much risk for me with my knowledge.
VitaMan's Avatar
Now they are intending to issue stock. But the language in the prospectus advises the shares will likely be worthless !!