Why No Thread On Bitten's Fabulous Deeds?

LexusLover's Avatar
Instead there are worn out Trash Threads on his NonSupporters.
LexusLover's Avatar
It appears there are no "Fabulous Deeds"!

Unless one is escaping from a totalitarian dictatorship for free shit from the MoneyBagRepublic North of the Rio Grande!

The folks who orchestrated the events below came from the North:

Now they can enter from the South ... and get a plane ticket!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If I cared enough about him, I would have. But I don't. So when Bernie huge makes news, you better believe I'll start a thread.

Is this good enough for you to stop your complaining? Complaining and complaining and complaining.

All of President Biden’s key executive orders — in one chart


Biden on Friday signed an executive order to establish a presidential commission to study possible Supreme Court reforms. During the 2020 White House campaign, he promised to establish a bipartisan commission of scholars that would come up with recommendations for reforming the court system, saying at that time that it would study “a number of alternatives that go well beyond [court] packing,” in a reference to how some Democrats have called for expanding the Supreme Court.

Until then . . .
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sen. Bernie Sanders introduces bill to make college free and have Wall Street pay for it


The bill would double the maximum Pell Grant award to $12,990, from $6,495, for the 2021-22 school year, make so-called Dreamers eligible for the loans and ensure that students could use the money for living arrangements and other nontuition expenses. It would also boost funding for programs that help low-income children, those with disabilities and first-generation college students.

"It is absolutely unacceptable that hundreds of thousands of bright young Americans do not get a higher education each year, not because they are unqualified, but because their family does not have enough money," said Sanders.

Why not?

I paid their bail money.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yours was free, so why are you thinking Bernie's idea is novel.

"Executive Orders"? See what a "free education" will get you?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You paid for my education. I went to the school of hard knocks. It wasn't a private school, but we still had to where a uniform. Voluntarily. It was more like a work study program.

It's not a new idea. Public service is paid for somehow. Why should the police, firefighters and EMTs get a free ride to live off me and you?

It's time the favor was returned.

When you guess how many billions you can make and fail, why should I pay for you to get out of jail scott-free to speculate again?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The education system is so screwed up that simply making it free won't even fix all of it's problems. I would say about 75% of university is completely worthless. It's also ridiculously overpriced and essentially a scam. The quality of education you receive from a typical university is shit. There are studies showing a significant portion of students graduating from universities are illiterate and unable to do basic math. How is the cost of university sky rocketing while the quality of the education being offered plummeting? It's probably because they are scamming the fuck out of people, and retarded boomers are practically forcing their children to go to the bank and take out as much money as they can to go to school. The banks are the only ones profiting.
Instead there are worn out Trash Threads on his NonSupporters. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like this disingenuous thread?
Why would I give a shit about keeping you up to date?
No, you dwell in the nether world of Trump's leavings. You tend to see the world in extremes. One of them is lies to you and the other is lies to normal people.
Trump is out of office. Biden is moving forward.
3 months isn't long enough to say much more than at least he hasn't had a cabinet member resign due to impending felony charges.
Always a good start.
The education system is so screwed up that simply making it free won't even fix all of it's problems. I would say about 75% of university is completely worthless. It's also ridiculously overpriced and essentially a scam. The quality of education you receive from a typical university is shit. There are studies showing a significant portion of students graduating from universities are illiterate and unable to do basic math. How is the cost of university sky rocketing while the quality of the education being offered plummeting? It's probably because they are scamming the fuck out of people, and retarded boomers are practically forcing their children to go to the bank and take out as much money as they can to go to school. The banks are the only ones profiting. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
If you have a college degree, you have first hand knowledge.
If not then I say you are mistaken.

You can't say you weren't warned about Trump University.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I have two college degrees. I'm a millennial. You're a tool.

Just Google it. The US education system is corrupt and low quality.

If you don't want to Google it, you can take me as evidence. I'm a dumbass, right? I graduated with a 3.7 and studied physics and chemistry, and minored in biochemistry. I should've studied engineering, because that's the only thing that is worth a shit. I'm a fucking dumbass, dude.
matchingmole's Avatar
It appears there are no "Fabulous Deeds"!

Unless one is escaping from a totalitarian dictatorship for free shit from the MoneyBagRepublic North of the Rio Grande!

The folks who orchestrated the events below came from the North:

Now they can enter from the South ... and get a plane ticket! Originally Posted by LexusLover

They were when Trump was semi-Prez too
When I was a young lad, if you graduated high school in top 10% of your hs class, you got free tuition at any state school (not room and board). Keep a 3.0 GPA and it continued. Financial aid (not loans) readily available to pay for other expenses like room and board. Stipends were common for grad students.

I came out of both undergrad and grad with miniscule debt. Now, if your degree is unemployment, you may have chosen poorly...or may pay off eventually.

Point is, kids in school are the future and us old farts should reasonably (keep up the GPA) invest in their success, as did our parents.

Our generation is too cheap and self centered and unappreciated of those who helped to return in kind.
Like this disingenuous thread?
Why would I give a shit about keeping you up to date?
No, you dwell in the nether world of Trump's leavings. You tend to see the world in extremes. One of them is lies to you and the other is lies to normal people.
Trump is out of office. Biden is moving forward.
3 months isn't long enough to say much more than at least he hasn't had a cabinet member resign due to impending felony charges.
Always a good start.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Yeah, moving forward to communism. I'm glad you're getting use out of your women's studies degree.

But on topic, other than the stimulus checks and UE payments, name one good thing Biden's done. I mean one good thing that wasn't a political payoff.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I have two college degrees. I'm a millennial. You're a tool.

Just Google it. The US education system is corrupt and low quality.

If you don't want to Google it, you can take me as evidence. I'm a dumbass, right? I graduated with a 3.7 and studied physics and chemistry, and minored in biochemistry. I should've studied engineering, because that's the only thing that is worth a shit. I'm a fucking dumbass, dude. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Yes. If you have those two degrees and still can't find a job, you're right to call yourself a retard.

Yeah, moving forward to communism. I'm glad you're getting use out of your women's studies degree.

But on topic, other than the stimulus checks and UE payments, name one good thing Biden's done. I mean one good thing that wasn't a political payoff. Originally Posted by gnadfly

It's hard to say what isn't a political payoff or flub when you are president.

The best I could come up with, without much thought, was reestablished global confidence in the American political system. Confidence in us.

The other was choosing a qualified woman of color who could help him win the office. Ethereal notions, but the argument could be made that both were political moves. That's his mad genius.
adav8s28's Avatar
Yeah, moving forward to communism. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Capitalism is alive and well in the USA. I'll give you a couple of examples.

Pat Mahomes gets $500 million to play QB for the KC chiefs. Mike Trout gets $ 400 million to play the outfield for the California Angles. Mookie Betts gets $300 million from the L.A. Dodgers. Harper gets $300 million from Philly and he strikes out a lot. Capitalism is just fine. If the USA were communist or socalist these guys would not have salaries that high.