A super bowl Party?

ICU 812's Avatar
First off a few caveats:

I am aware that our little world underwent a convulsive change not long ago centered around a Christmas party. If you have to ask about this maybe you don't need to know.

I know that I am not the big gist player on this board (or any whee else) and others will have better ideas about exactly how to do this . . . .I am open to all ideas.

I would suggest that there be a hobby-related Super bowl gathering of some sort. The main idea that I would put forward is a pool on the game that would include hobbyists and providers.

In my concept, the gathering would meet the legal requirements for a private party. As each hobbyist or provider came (cover-charge/entry fee?) they would sign-up in a standard 10x10 football pool type of sheet. Each hobbyist would initial one square and each provider would initial sharing with a hobbyist. Only the hobbyist would pay for the square ($50-$100?). Some pre-game fanfare could be made over having various providers drawing the numbers for the grid. As each quarter ends the "winners" would be announced. The provider wins the pot for that square and the hobbyist gets an immediate overnight with that provider.
Thats the basic outline. I am sure that every aspect can be tweaked to ensure that everyone is happy. If the provider doesn't want to do the dead with THAT hobbyist for some reason she also gives up the pot and it goes to the hobbyist etc etc.

A few other ideas on this:

If the buy-in for the pool is too low there would not be enough money in play to make it worthwhile. If the buy-in is too big, there will be so much cash outthere that security of everyone might be in jeopardy. For instance, a $50 buy-in gives $1,200 per quarter leaving nothing to cover the venue. A square for $100 gives $2500 per quarter—some of this could cover the venue cost and maybe some food too. If the cost of a square is at $1000, the overall pot will be $100K—enough to attract LE or just thugs with guns.

If the gathering is in a hotel, there could a set of rooms set aside . . .or a suit of rooms together for the after-the-party party.

Another variation might be a pool where the four hobbyist winners get a trip to one of the all-inclusive resorts in the Dominican Republic such as Forbidden Villas or Oxygen (or where-ever).

I think there could be some fun ideas out there—lets kick it around.
Jack Flash's Avatar
So you want to combine the illegal activity of hookers and johns and then toss in the illegal activity of gambling on football. Hmmmm..

Sorry but I will be at the actual superbowl that day.
tbone77494's Avatar
what could possibly go wrong?
Wakeup's Avatar
Civilbarrister running the invite list? I'm in...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Civilbarrister running the invite list? I'm in... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Only if the Skipper handles security.