Football Fanatics: Who's Your Pick For The 2013 Superbowl??

I'm not usually too into football (everyone knows I LOVE basketball) but I do enjoy watching the year's biggest football game! I'll be curled up on the couch this evening watching it, but what about you guys? Anyone attending any football-watching parties or have any special plans?

My main question to all you guys and gals who enjoy watching football is, who's your pick for the 2013 Superbowl? The Ravens or the 49ers?

I personally am intrigued to watched Ray Lewis's last game and how it will play out.

Feel free to leave your feedback! If none of these teams are on your list of faves, don't be shy to share with us who you think should've made the Superbowl this year!!

Hope you all have an EXCELLENT Superbowl Sunday! Woohoooo!

XO Savannah
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I like the Cowboys, Steelers and Patriots. So, I'm kinda disappointed in the game, but I will be cheering on the Ravens this year.

I too will be sitting on the couch, maybe doing homework instead of watching, unless I can find a sports bar to hang at or a SB party to attend
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-03-2013, 11:54 AM
go niners! GOOD LUCK ON #6!!!
Grrface's Avatar
Going with the Ravens this year.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
could care who wins only the nubers end in 2 afc and 9 nfc i would stand to win alot of tax free cash
Well, going to a freinds house to watch the first half and home for the second, I like this years matchup and well...........GO RAVENS!!
Ravens all the way baaaaabbbbyyyyyy
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Boltfan's Avatar
Ray Lewis and his double murder escaping ass...

Nice end to your dancing career.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
If neither won winning was an option, I would go for that. I picked the 49er's though 'cause they aren't the scummy dirty birds.