Best way to spend my refund...

funseeker's Avatar
I'm a single guy. I'm getting a pretty good sized refund back in the next week or so, but I don't have any immediate need for the money. (I.e. bills, debts, etc.).
I was just curious if anyone had any thoughts on what maybe some of you might spend a Grand on other than the obvious.
Everything Granite in your home.
Easy Guitars!
mtabsw's Avatar
1. Find a shredder and put your money thru it.
2. Find cement or brick wall, lower your head and run at it from about 15 feet away
3. Take out your dick and slam it in a door.
4. Swill down a bottle of jack
5. Go to bed.

You'll wake up broke, with a headache, and blood dropping out of your dick - and you'll think you had a good time.

ps - do not put step 4 first. You might shred your dick
Pick your favorite provider and go on a 3 day cruise out of Galviston. I would pack up Cassandra La'Amore and sail away in a heartbeat
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Go skydiving, take the Richard Petty Experience at the Dallas Motor Speedway then get laid all in one day, you will be a happy man.....On the other side giving your donation to different charities or putting it into and IRA Accout where this is tax-deductable at the end of the year.....


Take $5 and put it towards making the world a better place.

On Thanksgiving 2011 I woke up incredibly depressed. My family is 1500 miles away and I didn’t have the extra cash to splurge on last minute airfare. Being too embarrassed to admit to why I could not make it, not wanting to face a hand out offer and equally not wanting to intrude on various random invites from co-workers to join in on their family, I mentally prepared for a day filled with misfortune.

I made my public debut with ‘bed head’ and matching ‘I just woke up’ freshly crinkled pjs. I walked in to Starbucks with a score to settle, should someone dare to look at me the wrong way.

Instead, after I ordered, the Barista smiled and told me the last person who ordered the Pumpkin Spice Latte had already paid for mine. A much needed dose of benevolence, how did that person know it would be me next? How did they know I needed it? That turned my whole day around.

I had a strange urge to give an acceptance speech but settled on keeping quiet, there was a chunk of toothpaste on my shirt and I just couldn’t subject anyone to that. I paid for the next two drinks for the next lucky customer and added a $5 tip to the jar. Then I did the natural thing and cowered behind the magazine rack pretending to read something in lieu of being seen out in public that way. I almost wanted to ask them to hold my drink until I showered and returned….doesn’t work that way.

In a better mood, I went out and bought all the fixings for dinner and enjoyed a lovely day. Even after I pulled out a raw Cornish Hen from the oven (oops, probably should’ve turned it on)….I laughed. Better a vegetarian Thanksgiving than none at all J

My dogs looked at me like WTF when served only potatoes and stuffing and guess what? I didn’t even flip them off…I just turned on the Christmas Cd and went immediately into making homemade dog biscuits.

What a concept! One free drink….

I wrestle with the way I make my money…the “black market, black money, blood diamonds” comes to mind. I feel the guilt of a drug dealer who deals at the junior high. You’d think I was running an illegal sweatshop out of my garage – filled with tiny handed, nimble fingered 3 year olds sewing buttons. In this guilt, I find it easy to splurge and occasionally pay for thisorthat when I’m hereorthere for whoever so happens to show up next. I always hope it has the same affect but in truth, who cares? Makes me feel better.

Once I crossed the Bay Bridge and was greeted with the same scenario, the car ahead had paid. I asked the lady WHY? DO THEY KNOW ME? I was too young to get it and instead of returning the favor for the next guy, I rudely declined…I was in a rush to catch up to the car. I needed the plate number in case they were ‘following’ me – go figure!

There’s entire websites dedicated to this concept. One of the nicest things I’ve seen was when a person noticed another’s bald tires in a parking lot and left a note for them to visit a particular tire shop and ask for a particular manager – the tires were already paid for.

Let me just take a minute to CAUTION you….don’t get anything for anyone who asks for it. That’s a no no! They tend to be the least appreciative of such random generosity.

Once I answered a CL ad from a guy begging for ANYTHING, even $1 to feed his family. Having now known what that feels like, I called him and offered up $50 to do my front lawn…I would supply all the machinery and even pick him up, surely he didn’t have enough gas. This buttface flat out said NO. He asked if I was crazy and said it was too F-en hot and then he hung up on me.

Another time a homeless man asked me for money to eat and I did not have change, he offered to wait and I went in to pick up my ‘to go’ pizza order. I had the thought that perhaps he was very hungry and needed the food now. I don’t eat a whole pizza so I asked for a plate and loaded it with 5 piping hot slices. When I walked up to him with my offering, he looked up at me and said I DON’T EAT PIZZA, I WANTED THE MONEY. I put the plate down next to him and much to my dismay the dirty rotten scoundrel was hunched over a roll of at least 20 $1 scratch off lotto tickets. WTF? I called him a liar and when I was about to turn around, he called me the B word, then I kicked the pizza off the curb and cussed him back. By that time a whole audience was around and I looked like the awful B&TCH who was not only harassing the homeless guy but also cruel enough to deny his body nutrients.

I’ve learned my lesson…it must be done at random and I guarantee it can make all the difference to one person J

matchingmole's Avatar
1,000 tacos
TexasCowboy's Avatar

Looking at your posting with the last two paragraphs made me laugh out loud before work, for this is so true in many instances....You come across as a very educated individual and I have a lot of admeration for yourself as an individual...

funseeker's Avatar

You're my new favorite person. Thank you for sharing!
D_does_Dallas's Avatar
Take $5 and put it towards making the world a better place.

On Thanksgiving 2011 I woke up incredibly depressed. My family is 1500 miles away and I didn’t have the extra cash to splurge on last minute airfare. Being too embarrassed to admit to why I could not make it, not wanting to face a hand out offer and equally not wanting to intrude on various random invites from co-workers to join in on their family, I mentally prepared for a day filled with misfortune.

I made my public debut with ‘bed head’ and matching ‘I just woke up’ freshly crinkled pjs. I walked in to Starbucks with a score to settle, should someone dare to look at me the wrong way.

Instead, after I ordered, the Barista smiled and told me the last person who ordered the Pumpkin Spice Latte had already paid for mine. A much needed dose of benevolence, how did that person know it would be me next? How did they know I needed it? That turned my whole day around.

I had a strange urge to give an acceptance speech but settled on keeping quiet, there was a chunk of toothpaste on my shirt and I just couldn’t subject anyone to that. I paid for the next two drinks for the next lucky customer and added a $5 tip to the jar. Then I did the natural thing and cowered behind the magazine rack pretending to read something in lieu of being seen out in public that way. I almost wanted to ask them to hold my drink until I showered and returned….doesn’t work that way.

In a better mood, I went out and bought all the fixings for dinner and enjoyed a lovely day. Even after I pulled out a raw Cornish Hen from the oven (oops, probably should’ve turned it on)….I laughed. Better a vegetarian Thanksgiving than none at all J

My dogs looked at me like WTF when served only potatoes and stuffing and guess what? I didn’t even flip them off…I just turned on the Christmas Cd and went immediately into making homemade dog biscuits.

What a concept! One free drink….

I wrestle with the way I make my money…the “black market, black money, blood diamonds” comes to mind. I feel the guilt of a drug dealer who deals at the junior high. You’d think I was running an illegal sweatshop out of my garage – filled with tiny handed, nimble fingered 3 year olds sewing buttons. In this guilt, I find it easy to splurge and occasionally pay for thisorthat when I’m hereorthere for whoever so happens to show up next. I always hope it has the same affect but in truth, who cares? Makes me feel better.

Once I crossed the Bay Bridge and was greeted with the same scenario, the car ahead had paid. I asked the lady WHY? DO THEY KNOW ME? I was too young to get it and instead of returning the favor for the next guy, I rudely declined…I was in a rush to catch up to the car. I needed the plate number in case they were ‘following’ me – go figure!

There’s entire websites dedicated to this concept. One of the nicest things I’ve seen was when a person noticed another’s bald tires in a parking lot and left a note for them to visit a particular tire shop and ask for a particular manager – the tires were already paid for.

Let me just take a minute to CAUTION you….don’t get anything for anyone who asks for it. That’s a no no! They tend to be the least appreciative of such random generosity.

Once I answered a CL ad from a guy begging for ANYTHING, even $1 to feed his family. Having now known what that feels like, I called him and offered up $50 to do my front lawn…I would supply all the machinery and even pick him up, surely he didn’t have enough gas. This buttface flat out said NO. He asked if I was crazy and said it was too F-en hot and then he hung up on me.

Another time a homeless man asked me for money to eat and I did not have change, he offered to wait and I went in to pick up my ‘to go’ pizza order. I had the thought that perhaps he was very hungry and needed the food now. I don’t eat a whole pizza so I asked for a plate and loaded it with 5 piping hot slices. When I walked up to him with my offering, he looked up at me and said I DON’T EAT PIZZA, I WANTED THE MONEY. I put the plate down next to him and much to my dismay the dirty rotten scoundrel was hunched over a roll of at least 20 $1 scratch off lotto tickets. WTF? I called him a liar and when I was about to turn around, he called me the B word, then I kicked the pizza off the curb and cussed him back. By that time a whole audience was around and I looked like the awful B&TCH who was not only harassing the homeless guy but also cruel enough to deny his body nutrients.

I’ve learned my lesson…it must be done at random and I guarantee it can make all the difference to one person J

Originally Posted by misspriss

I changed my mind, I'll have the pizza now...
300 cups of coffee in one day or ... Open a scrap gold shop ( with free coffee , and free pizza on Fridays

Looking at your posting with the last two paragraphs made me laugh out loud before work, for this is so true in many instances....You come across as a very educated individual and I have a lot of admeration for yourself as an individual...

TexasCowboy Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
Thanks! If you need a good laugh, let me know - I've got plenty where that came from
  • Zx
  • 02-06-2013, 12:14 PM
Thanks! If you need a good laugh, let me know - I've got plenty where that came from Originally Posted by misspriss
It's easy to fall in love with Misspriss, class, brains and beauty all wrapped up in 1 sexy package
Go buy a (or more) guns, cant ever have too many, especially with the current fucktards in office in DC trying to take them away.