They love living high-on-the-taxpayer hog...................

DOJ spends millions on ‘nonmission’ luxury travel for Attorney Generals, FBI director

A Government Accountability Office report reveals that the Justice Department has spent $11.4 million to fly the Attorney General and FBI director on FBI luxury jets for travel unrelated to the agency’s mission.

Iowa Republican and ranking judiciary committee member Sen. Chuck Grassley — who requested GAO look into Justice Department aircraft being used to for “nonmission” reasons — released the report Thursday.

“These luxury jets were supposedly needed for counterterrorism, but it turns out that they were used almost two-thirds of the time for jet-setting executive travel instead,” Grassley said. “Nobody disputes that the Attorney General and the FBI Director should have access to the secure communications, but, for instance, there’s no reason they can’t take a less expensive mode of transportation, or cut their personal travel.”

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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wonder if the sequester will have any effect on this. Nah, who am I kidding? The sequester will only hurt peons, not the elite!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Wonder if the sequester will have any effect on this. Nah, who am I kidding? The sequester will only hurt peons, not the elite!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Where have you three nitwit, whiny klowns been for the past few decades? This is supposed to be some sort of big news, right along with The President for Four More Years' "excessive" vacations?

You three buttfuckers are too easily entertained. Unfortunately, not many other non-Teawipe PARROTriots are.
MsJane69's Avatar
+6 FU
CJohnny54's Avatar
+ not in my back yard, how about your...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Where have you three nitwit, whiny klowns been for the past few decades? This is supposed to be some sort of big news, right along with The President for Four More Years' "excessive" vacations?

You three buttfuckers are too easily entertained. Unfortunately, not many other non-Teawipe PARROTriots are. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
It's not "entertaining", Randy4Andy. Odumbo's, et al, fraud is disgusting! Matthew Henry was talking about the like of you and your ilk when he said, “None so blind as those that will not see.”
Based on your BS, we should abolish the GAO.................since taxpayers shouldn't be concerned or pay notice, much less get outraged.....

You liberals love spending taxpayer don't want to be held accountable.

Where have you three nitwit, whiny klowns been for the past few decades? This is supposed to be some sort of big news, right along with The President for Four More Years' "excessive" vacations?

You three buttfuckers are too easily entertained. Unfortunately, not many other non-Teawipe PARROTriots are. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Boyz, boyz, boyz...

...take a break from trading semen enemas with each other long enough to understand the following:






about your silly and continual whining and moaning about the slightest thing that The President for Four More Years (or his wife) does that is less or no worse than what other Presidents have done since Day 1. BTW, your guy GW "Shrub" Cheney, has the record for most time away from the job.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled semen swap.....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-01-2013, 02:12 PM
Boyz, boyz, boyz...

...take a break from trading semen enemas with each other long enough to understand the following:






about your silly and continual whining and moaning about the slightest thing that The President for Four More Years (or his wife) does that is less or no worse than what other Presidents have done since Day 1. BTW, your guy GW "Shrub" Cheney, has the record for most time away from the job.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled semen swap..... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

I B Hankering's Avatar
Boyz, boyz, boyz...

...take a break from trading semen enemas with each other long enough to understand the following:






about your silly and continual whining and moaning about the slightest thing that The President for Four More Years (or his wife) does that is less or no worse than what other Presidents have done since Day 1. BTW, your guy GW "Shrub" Cheney, has the record for most time away from the job.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled semen swap..... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Your post betrays your argument, Randy4Andy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The libs are suffering from