The perfect vagina documentary

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Variety is “the spice of life”,. This film examines how females of all ages feel about the appearance of their vaginas. It was a bit shocking to me, I never seen one and oh no I can’t do this.

It shows a labia reduction, by young 20ish girl. I had to look away! That poor girl had what I consider a pretty normal vagina.

Thank goodness the woman I’ve been with have been kind. I’d say my dick is low side of size especially when compare to porn! No girl has ever laughed or criticize my penis.

Ladies if you are self conscious at all about yourself, please
There is nothing sensual or sexy in the film.
Lookzfun61's Avatar
Well that was eye opening . Personally , I enjoy the variety , and have never once come across one that I thought needed augmentation. Huh �� it’s there body , so Do what makes you happy ��