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It is not politically correct to condemn the actions of gangs or the cultures that condone them.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Blame it on the guns, when NYC, with more than three times as many people as Chicago, has had fewer murders over the past year - partially thanks to stop and frisk.
Waldo 20 hours ago 6 293
Looks like we need to send missles into Chicago not Syria
Looks like we need to send missles into Chicago not Syria Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Spoken like a true Commie Sympathizer! There is absolutely no doubt that Stalin and Kruschev would have agreed with you!
Spoken like a true Commie Sympathizer! There is absolutely no doubt that Stalin and Kruschev would have agreed with you! Originally Posted by bigtex
Do you mean Khrushchev? Some commies are better than others. Yours SUCKS...
Do you mean Khrushchev? Some commies are better than others. Yours SUCKS... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Leave it to "Sweet Ass" IIFFY to correct the spelling for one of his and Hanoi COG's Comrades.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JL I'm surprised that you would go the gun thing. You do know that in Israel there are a lot of guns around? New York HAD stop and frisk but it was only this year that Chicago was forced to recognize the right to self defense. A great number of the guns in Chicago belong to the criminals and not the citizen.

If fact, Chicago is a text book example of what happens when you have gun control.
Killings are down this year from last. Most are gang related, but the collateral damage is terrible.
The problem isn't isn't is the wide spread dysfunction in the black community...

- break down of the family
- glorification of gang mentality (no snitchin)/anti-popo attitude
- kids raising kids
- fatherless households

And the first black president waging war on American workers ain't helping either !
Pink Floyd's Avatar
The problem isn't isn't is the wide spread dysfunction in the black community...

- break down of the family
- glorification of gang mentality (no snitchin)/anti-popo attitude
- kids raising kids
- fatherless households

And the first black president waging war on American workers ain't helping either ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I believe I addressed that in my opening statement, but I believe if you look around that it is effecting all groups now. Society is being defined down very quickly. Black culture must own its mistakes, and it can't be fixed by the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. I have serious doubts that it can be fixed.
The problem isn't isn't is the wide spread dysfunction in the black community...

- break down of the family
- glorification of gang mentality (no snitchin)/anti-popo attitude
- kids raising kids
- fatherless households

And the first black president waging war on American workers ain't helping either ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Try reading what the folks who are on the front lined report about gangs drugs ect. But you would rather blame a black. Ever run into a white gang? Like the Hells Angels
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Try reading what the folks who are on the front lined report about gangs drugs ect. But you would rather blame a black. Ever run into a white gang? Like the Hells Angels Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I believe you will see that I said this is effecting all races, but I refuse to be PC, and not point out the dysfunction in the black community. I am not going to sit here and excuse racist acts by blacks because I am afraid of being called a racist. They can either take responsibility for what they have condoned for decades or accept the consequences. It boils down to responsibility. MLK was so right when he said a man should be judged on the content of his character, whereas Jesse and Al say he should be excused because the color of his skin. This is a very condescending attitude that has only fed racism in America.
I know see who I responded too.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I know see who I responded too. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Sorry, that was more or less of a general response.
Try reading what the folks who are on the front lined report about gangs drugs ect. But you would rather blame a black. Ever run into a white gang? Like the Hells Angels Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Every time you post, you prove your stupidity...LOL