The only demographic in America that reliably opposes abortion access is older men

VitaMan's Avatar
As most of the frequent posters in the forum are older right wingers over 50, this is appropriate reading material for the forum.

The only demographic in America that reliably opposes abortion access is men over the age of 50, according to an analysis of data from Gallup's annual survey on abortion.

While pluralities of both men and women in the aggregate expressed support for abortion, men were almost evenly split down the line. Forty-eight percent of men surveyed said they identify as "pro-choice," while 47% said they identify as "pro-life."

During the past 20 years, men over the age of 50 are the only group with a relatively steady increase in "pro-life" identification (up 11 percentage points) and a decline in "pro-choice" identification (down 6 percentage points) with numbers declining below 50%.

Age is a significant factor: the only age demographic that has a greater percentage of individuals who identified as "pro-life" as over "pro-choice."

When it comes to legal abortion under any circumstance, older men are the least supportive.

While the percentage of young men, young women, and older women in support of abortion under any circumstance has steadily grown over time, the percentage of men over 50 who support such abortion rights is stagnant — although the greatest percentage of support of legal abortion under certain situations came from older men.

Setting aside self-descriptions, overall support for abortion under certain or any conditions is significant and steady. In the three years from 2020 to 2022, on average 79% of men and 82% of women aged 18 to 49 as well as 82% of men and 81% of women 50 and up support abortion in at least some condition.

Younger women from the ages of 18 to 49 reported the largest margin of difference (26 percentage points) between being "pro-choice" and "pro-life".

Support for "pro-choice" views among younger women in particular are 10 percentage points higher than they were two years ago.

Women over the age of 50 showed the most stability in their stance on abortion, but over the past three years have been become majority "pro-choice".

But while the margin of difference between the two camps in this demographic group are not as stark as its younger counterpart, people who self-describe as "pro-life" steady declined beginning in 2020, while "pro-choice" numbers went up.

Younger men, from the ages of 18 to 49, have been generally steady in their abortion-related beliefs, of late.

Although a greater share of men (51%) in this demographic said they are "pro-choice," a close 45% reported that they identify as "pro-life." That is the smallest margin between the two identifiers reported by any of the four demographic groups in the survey.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Funny I have opposed it for over 50 years
VitaMan's Avatar
How long have you been a rapid responder ?
oilfieldace's Avatar
All my life.
I think it's appropriate reading for those under fifty.Learn something from the older and wiser.
texassapper's Avatar
Wisdom is an old males forte.
oilfieldace's Avatar
How long have you been a rapid responder ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Now that you went off topic on your own post. I turned 21 during the summer of Woodstock yet I was in my mid 30’s when I learned what it was. I don’t like that kind of music or rap or what passes for country music these days. I prefer old country , rhythm and old blues and Motown. I have always had beliefs of people a lot older than my age. I say yes ma’am and yes to sir to people regardless of their race. I don’t believe in abortion or anything associated with gaydom yet I am not radical about it, because I am not the one you are going to have to answer too. Although I have drank 1 or 2 or 3 beers I have never touched any type of illegal substance. I give substantial amounts to those in need and I never have claimed any of it on income tax. I give regardless of their race or political affiliation. My favorite is St Jude and the boys in blue. I run a small farm and not much else to do. My wife had a stroke in 2019 and is paralyzed on her right side. I am her sole provider and I don’t leave her side very often. I don’t believe can’t is a word and I have a very low tolerance for ignorance. Have a blessed day Sir
excellent response, sir ..... I have a feeling that the majority of us "older men" feel exactly as you do .....
texassapper's Avatar
The only demographic in America that reliably opposes abortion access is mature men

See that small editorial change makes the headline actually make sense. One need read no more to understand the reasoning for those that oppose abortion. And if you don't understand it, it's because you're still immature.
Now that you went off topic on your own post. I turned 21 during the summer of Woodstock yet I was in my mid 30’s when I learned what it was. I don’t like that kind of music or rap or what passes for country music these days. I prefer old country , rhythm and old blues and Motown. I have always had beliefs of people a lot older than my age. I say yes ma’am and yes to sir to people regardless of their race. I don’t believe in abortion or anything associated with gaydom yet I am not radical about it, because I am not the one you are going to have to answer too. Although I have drank 1 or 2 or 3 beers I have never touched any type of illegal substance. I give substantial amounts to those in need and I never have claimed any of it on income tax. I give regardless of their race or political affiliation. My favorite is St Jude and the boys in blue. I run a small farm and not much else to do. My wife had a stroke in 2019 and is paralyzed on her right side. I am her sole provider and I don’t leave her side very often. I don’t believe can’t is a word and I have a very low tolerance for ignorance. Have a blessed day Sir Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Iam willing to bet many a kid born in the Spring of 1970 was conceived at Woodstock,lol.
I would believe a majority of Americans are now pro-choice...but I don't think it is nearly an issue voters would cross party lines over in an election.
VitaMan's Avatar
I think it's appropriate reading for those under fifty.Learn something from the older and wiser. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Hope you read it.

Learn something from the older and wiser women mentioned.
Hope you read it.

Learn something from the older and wiser women mentioned. Originally Posted by VitaMan
That article doesn't mention reasons older Women are Pro Choice. I am over Sixty and I am willing to bet older Women who are Pro Choice are only because they know kids will grow up in a Country that is on the brink of disaster.
But it really isn't pro choice, it is pro abortion, and against choice for any woman that doesn't want an abortion.
VitaMan's Avatar
That article doesn't mention reasons older Women are Pro Choice. I am over Sixty and I am willing to bet older Women who are Pro Choice are only because they know kids will grow up in a Country that is on the brink of disaster. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That is your opinion.

I believe the article gives poll results, not reasons for any group.

You said learn from the older and wiser. Apparently you exclude women.