Time off!

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I will be going in for surgery the end of next week (gallbladder), it has been hurting me for some time now and they actually wanted to take it out last week but I wouldn't let them. I had to get college exams out of the way first!
I am not sure how long I will be unavailable, I hope not long! I will have my phone off while I am recovering, the only way you will be able to contact me will be through email or pm on here.
Be prepared when I'm better I will be full of energy!
Follow orders and heal fast. We will miss you.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Hope all goes well. They nip those things out relatively easy these days (says the guy not having surgery). Speedy recovery to you.
burkalini's Avatar
Take care of yourself. We will all be here when your ready to come back but make sure you get healthy first..
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 09-24-2013, 09:53 PM
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Soon you'll be free of that pain. My thoughts are definitely with you when it's time for you to go in.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Best wishes for a skilled surgeon and speedy recovery!
DallasRain's Avatar
wishing you a speedy recovery---guess we will meet next tour

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Thank you all very much.

Dallas, I should be all better when you come to Lincoln. I'm thinking about 3 days healing time. I'm not much for laying around doing nothing. lol
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Good luck to you lady.
Best wishes to you Lady Y, don't over do it the first day after surgery.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
The surgeon is doing robotic surgery. If nothing goes wrong I will have one incision. I have planned for 5 days off to recovery.

I expect lots of flowers and cards. lmao just kidding.

I have a family member flying in to take care of me and lots of friends that will be in and out making sure I am fed and watered.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-25-2013, 07:37 AM
Here's to a speedy recovery!
giabella's Avatar
Wishing you well during this time.