Need Photos?? Nows the time..
My fall specials are my lowest rates.. EVER. And rates will be going up in November.. but in the meantime you can still take advantage of my fall rates that are SO LOW, I can't post them here!!
Have we worked together before?? Then you definitely need to get with me.. because I DO offer return client discounts. I also offer discounts on booked referrals.
I have recently moved my whole operation to a new studio in the mid-cities to be more convenient to providers in Ft Worth!!!!!
I am a 100% professional photographer.. not a 'client with a cam', photography student, or someone who takes pictures for a hobby. My work has appeared in numerous magazines, including Playboy and Maxim. But more important, I have been shooting providers for over 8 years, so I know what you want, what you need, and what will boost your business. And I will be happy to assist you in designing your look if you want.
You can see my full portfolio at if you are unfamiliar with that site, it comes up in a default 'censored' mode. So be sure to read the first paragraph of my profile on there for quick and easy instructions on how to override this feature and see my entire portfolio ( yes, its free, and there is nothing to sign up for or join)
So please browse my work, and if you like it.. PM me and lets get the ball rolling on getting you some fresh photos!! I can provide endless references and testimonials with regard to my work, and my professionalism
As some of you may know, over my last several ads I have been featuring a recent photoshoot with an eccie provider.. this weeks ad features the awesome
My fall specials are my lowest rates.. EVER. And rates will be going up in November.. but in the meantime you can still take advantage of my fall rates that are SO LOW, I can't post them here!!
Have we worked together before?? Then you definitely need to get with me.. because I DO offer return client discounts. I also offer discounts on booked referrals.
I have recently moved my whole operation to a new studio in the mid-cities to be more convenient to providers in Ft Worth!!!!!
I also have a full studio 'location package" so I can travel most anywhere in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas
I am a 100% professional photographer.. not a 'client with a cam', photography student, or someone who takes pictures for a hobby. My work has appeared in numerous magazines, including Playboy and Maxim. But more important, I have been shooting providers for over 8 years, so I know what you want, what you need, and what will boost your business. And I will be happy to assist you in designing your look if you want.
You can see my full portfolio at if you are unfamiliar with that site, it comes up in a default 'censored' mode. So be sure to read the first paragraph of my profile on there for quick and easy instructions on how to override this feature and see my entire portfolio ( yes, its free, and there is nothing to sign up for or join)
So please browse my work, and if you like it.. PM me and lets get the ball rolling on getting you some fresh photos!! I can provide endless references and testimonials with regard to my work, and my professionalism
As some of you may know, over my last several ads I have been featuring a recent photoshoot with an eccie provider.. this weeks ad features the awesome
Lucile Luscious 6
She definitely HOT
(and, yes, guys.. her legs are THAT long!!)
(and, yes, guys.. her legs are THAT long!!)
Below are some of the images from her photoshoot.. all photos used with permission