You got to wonder about those UAW elites

oilfieldace's Avatar
You endorse a man who has vowed to kill your industry by making the combustion engine a relic? That doesn’t seem to help their rank and file members.

Are they offering them training in the solar and wind industry. Are they going to house them in their collective mansions?

You had a man that helped your industry by negotiating a new North American trade agreement and is tough on China unlike the one that is on Chinas payroll.

Yeah makes perfect sense to me! NOT!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
To be fair here! Yes they are getting training and jobs for electric vehicles. This was a major topic brought by the union.

I'm against unions. But gotta report facts for both sides
Electric Cars lowers Testosterone.
Budman's Avatar
To be fair here! Yes they are getting training and jobs for electric vehicles. This was a major topic brought by the union.

I'm against unions. But gotta report facts for both sides Originally Posted by winn dixie
Go ask the keystone pipeline workers how thier new jobs in the solar industry is going.
winn dixie's Avatar
Go ask the keystone pipeline workers how thier new jobs in the solar industry is going. Originally Posted by Budman
Apples and oranges sir.
No comparison whatsoever
ICU 812's Avatar
Doesn't matter if they are in Industry, Education, Government or a Labor Union, the elits are always out of touch with the realities of life for the other 90% of us who have to work every day to make ends meet.
oilfieldace's Avatar
To be fair here! Yes they are getting training and jobs for electric vehicles. This was a major topic brought by the union.

I'm against unions. But gotta report facts for both sides Originally Posted by winn dixie
Evidently, you don’t know what will happen to thousands of workers if it was all electric vehicles ?

Glad to see you finally admit you are democrat
eyecu2's Avatar
UAW builds cars. Doesn't matter what powerplant is in them. If your point was about loss of use of petroleum products, then look at API elites. Two totally different interests
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Go ask the keystone pipeline workers how thier new jobs in the solar industry is going. Originally Posted by Budman
Trump had 4 years to get the Keystone pipeline approved and was unable to do so. There was so much oppostion to the pipeline that there would likely never be approval of it. Biden put the last nail in the coffin.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Electric Cars lowers Testosterone. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You like your Tesla?

Again, anything that looks good for Biden must be wrong, fake or anti-American, right?

Not. This is another MAGA fantasy nightmare.

The raving continues. Trump is the ultimate reject.
ICU 812's Avatar
I have experienced the effects of hurricnes here on the Gulfg Coast for several decades now. I have evacuated for one or two and stayed put for others. The power always goes out. Folks have a hard time recharging their EVs in good times. What will they do in an emergency? During one evacuation, I managed to bring along enough extra gas to refill our pickup after the storm.

Two years ago, I was "home-alone" during the deep freeze when the Texas electric grid went down. A neighbor cranked up a small generator and threw an extension cord over the fence for me. I ran a space heater overnight and the next day till we got power back.

And now back to electric vehicles: I grew up in a northern tie3r state. Winters can be cold. We are now seeing that an EV just does not work that well in the cold.

It is my belief that an all-electric economy is not ideal for a nation of 350 million.

and n
eyecu2's Avatar

Two years ago, I was "home-alone" during the deep freeze when the Texas electric grid went down. A neighbor cranked up a small generator and threw an extension cord over the fence for me. I ran a space heater overnight and the next day till we got power back.

And now back to electric vehicles: I grew up in a northern tie3r state. Winters can be cold. We are now seeing that an EV just does not work that well in the cold.

It is my belief that an all-electric economy is not ideal for a nation of 350 million. Originally Posted by ICU 812
While EV's have limitations- so did Gas cars when they were first introduced. The horseless carriage had no horse, and it was very temperamental at first. Lots of issues with reliability and no roads etc. Then they built some roads. The reliability went up. Gasoline became more available etc. Imagine taking your gasoline car out west where there was no gas stations?

Now insert electric cars for horseless gasoline ones. The comparison should be enlightening- even you conservatives should realize that every new technology has a period of reluctant acceptance etc. the UAW, doesn't care what they build as long as it makes their union members money and keeps them with a job. The time for archaic tech, and combustion engines are breathing a last gasp for air in some situations.

In other countries, they use electricity for almost all transit. Some still use motors to drive generators, but the vast amount of large scale stuff uses electricity due to the abilty to get more torque. The UAW and most of America would be wise to see the forest through the tree's and stop making it a political football; although I don't think the UAW really cares if it's a battery or a combustion engine. -
You like your Tesla?

Again, anything that looks good for Biden must be wrong, fake or anti-American, right?

Not. This is another MAGA fantasy nightmare.

The raving continues. Trump is the ultimate reject. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't have one, don't want one. I like the sound of the engine upon acceleration. Electric Cars are nothing more than an overpriced Golf Cart. Everyone that I see driving them looks wimpy. So how do you like yours?
eyecu2's Avatar
I don't have one, don't want one. I like the sound of the engine upon acceleration. Electric Cars are nothing more than an overpriced Golf Cart. Everyone that I see driving them looks wimpy. So how do you like yours? Originally Posted by Levianon17
See-that's just being argumentative on basis of personal preference. There is no basis that the UAW is gonna lose out, nor that companies may ebb and flow into and out of the market. Lots of room to play and all ppl can have a choice. If you like the sound- that's cool. I love the sound of my v8 cars too, but I'm not offended by the silent whir of a car that has a electric motor- It's not wimpy or gay. Matter of fact, my neighbor has a tesla plaid that will smoke every domestic car including a new corvette right the fuck off the street. But if that's me wimpy. See how I omitted any comments offensive to golf carts. They are fun to drive on the course, and in some neighborhoods in the villages. the UAW has a lot of retiree's down there too. (although - truthfully, most of those golf carts have gasoline engines in them. )
ICU 812's Avatar
I would note that while. when autos first appeared, both IC and steam (and yes electric too) there was no government push to de-Horsify the nation. Yet within a very few years, cities across the4 country were virtually horse free. Many frms followed a decade or so later and powered-up with tractors. People bought IC cars because they saw a transportation advantage to themselves.

Cell phones are another example of a self-evident consumer product that transformed society in much the same way.

"Build a better mousetrap . . ." is a real principle in consumer behavior.

Electric cars currently are not "there" yet. I do believe that they could be, but not now. Yet people and companies are being coerced into movbing that way by government. If EVs and an all-electric society was THE way to go, everyone would go that way sooner or later without coercion by government.

Ford lost a coup;e billion on EVs last year. Automakers are closing plants for lacvk of demand. The news stories about useless EVs in the cold north can't be helping.