Soap and Water

motrctyman's Avatar
While I have read a large number of ladies take issue with the cleanliness of the men that may come through to visit them..even to the point of being very particular about grooming and whatnot...

Sweet Jesus, a bar of soap is not all that expensive. Ok, so you have a miniature amazon rain forrest down there. Fine! Freaking wash up. Doing a quick washcloth across your tits, and over your ass does not constitute a "shower".

Additionally, and even worse... Stripper Stank. You know what it is. A mixture of cigarette smoke, Edit - VS , ones favorite cologne, and a slight hint of "vanilla" added for extra emphasis. This shit does not go away. Even the gas-station trick of dousing ones self in gasoline doesn't cover it up. When I am driving down 635 with my windows down, hoping to clear out the air and the dudes behind me honking wanting to give me a high five because he can smell it too?

Look, I know it is a very small percentage. But when I make an appointment with you, I take extra time to wash my ass really well. I try to get cleaned up again when I get there. I mow my lawn. For fucks sake, buy a bar of soap and wash your pussy, between your breasts, your neck....maybe even your whole body?

That would be awesome.
yohimbebrother's Avatar
motrctyman's Avatar
Much love Yohimbe Brother!
Torito's Avatar
Don't forget the douche. The stink is not all outside.
K-girls know that.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Don't forget the douche. The stink is not all outside.
K-girls know that. Originally Posted by Torito
If what is "inside" stinks, that is a much greater issue than what douche can cover. Its already been proven that douching can create more problems than it "solves". Soap and water is more than enough unless you have an infection of some sort brewing.
corona's Avatar
eagerly anticipating this review!!
+1, Ms Grace.
Torito's Avatar
If what is "inside" stinks, that is a much greater issue than what douche can cover. Its already been proven that douching can create more problems than it "solves". Soap and water is more than enough unless you have an infection of some sort brewing. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Everyone has a right to their own opinion. We all have different levels of knowledge and experiences.
Korean women tend to be very clean and I have never smelled a stinky Korean pussy. I'm sure that there are some, but not in my experience.
BTW I don't pretend to know everything. Just what I have experienced.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
While I have read a large number of ladies take issue with the cleanliness of the men that may come through to visit them..even to the point of being very particular about grooming and whatnot...


Look, I know it is a very small percentage. But when I make an appointment with you, I take extra time to wash my ass really well. I try to get cleaned up again when I get there. I mow my lawn. For fucks sake, buy a bar of soap and wash your pussy, between your breasts, your neck....maybe even your whole body?

That would be awesome. Originally Posted by motrctyman
Did you recently have a bad experience?

I've had appointments where the guy took a shower the night before. There isn't anything wrong with that if you're going to work and that's your habit.

But if you have a morning sabbatical, or whatever the current nomenclature of that bodily function is for polite folks, Jesus ... you need to shower. Besides, most people sweat a little bit at night.

Bath. Or shower. And cut your toenails.

Guess that applies for all of us, huh?

Anyway ... blush!!!


PS Douching with chemical/over the counter douches is bad for you!!! Women don't need to douche unless it's been prescribed by your doctor for some reason. That's an old wives tale. I agree with Grace.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Everyone has a right to their own opinion. We all have different levels of knowledge and experiences.
Korean women tend to be very clean and I have never smelled a stinky Korean pussy. I'm sure that there are some, but not in my experience.
BTW I don't pretend to know everything. Just what I have experienced. Originally Posted by Torito
We were writing at the same time!

On the flip side, I've had friends in the business (and civies) who will douche every time they have intercourse including the instances that they've used a condom. So there are plenty of women who douche on a regular basis.

Just for me, I don't find it necessary and I've been told by plenty of physicians, that douching is really not good for the Ph balance of the vagina.

That's all.

Warm hugs,
Grace Preston's Avatar
Everyone has a right to their own opinion. We all have different levels of knowledge and experiences.
Korean women tend to be very clean and I have never smelled a stinky Korean pussy. I'm sure that there are some, but not in my experience.
BTW I don't pretend to know everything. Just what I have experienced. Originally Posted by Torito
Sidenote-- Korean women also generally don't douche with commercial douches... they use clean water and tend to be big advocates of "steaming".. which can also be very beneficial.

I only made the comment about health and douching, because many don't understand the difference between picking up a box of Summers Eve and proper feminine care. K women tend to be very clean.. American women can be the same if the use the same methods.
DallasRain's Avatar
I always have a bubblebath to get ready for my dates.......AND I usually give my gents a bubblebath before we play
HobbieMan's Avatar
Sidenote-- Korean women also generally don't douche with commercial douches... they use clean water and tend to be big advocates of "steaming".. which can also be very beneficial.

I only made the comment about health and douching, because many don't understand the difference between picking up a box of Summers Eve and proper feminine care. K women tend to be very clean.. American women can be the same if the use the same methods. Originally Posted by GracePreston
That "steaming" a hooo-haa comment evoked all sorts of images that might haunt me for a while! Then I had to google it. Thanks for that!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Hey-- these are the lengths we go to in order to keep the "prduct".... "fresh"
Guest113018-1's Avatar
Hey-- these are the lengths we go to in order to keep the "prduct".... "fresh" Originally Posted by GracePreston
I was thinking about the " fresh product" comment. Can you be a little more specific? Shouldn't a " fresh product" still have it's own individually unique taste and fragrance? Fresh doesn't mean odorless and tasteless, just clean and fresh. Right? Or am I wrong again?