Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Awhile back, I had discovered this term and did some research. There are a few topics about this on Eccie, but not a lot of information.

Had the whole idea of trying to incorporate that into my play time with clients and friends and well, I kindof forgot about it for awhile.

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine suggested that I start studying ASMR again and use the 'perceptual phenomenon' (that wording was taken from Wiki) during some of my more special time with clients.

So does anyone have any first hand experience with this?

Here is a good article for an overview:

There are several ways to get this type of tingle and I believe that the fun in this would be FINDING where your spot is!

Any input would be appreciated. I've reflected, in my latest ad, that I would be open to experimenting with anyone who is interested in giving this a try.

But in the interim, I'd be interested in hearing from anyone (publicly or privately) who can share any input. Thanks.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Just in the short time that I've been working on this, I've found a few areas that men just seem to ... well, crave being touched. And it's usually interesting areas.

Here are a few examples that I've witnessed firsthand:

*The forearm, turned inwards, with light stroking of the skin back and forth, lightly, from the elbow to the wrist

*Using a firm touch, during a face massage (I save face massages for those that I adore!), going downwards with a firm gliding motion using an organic massage lotion, down on each side of the nose stimulating the sinus areas.

*A place right behind the ear

*An eyelid being caressed by lips

*A soft whisper in the ear

*The inner creases, right around the penis, at the top of the thighs. Massaging that area, in the crevices, is an area that most people never touched, even during sex, except to clean. Some men adore that and the sensation goes down their spine.

There is a LOT of potential for this, for other ladies to consider, and men to wish to explore as well.

I took a quick picture of a hand held head stimulator that I just got last week. When I use it on myself, it causes my brain to tingle.

Here is a quick photo that I took of it (ignore the dusty bookshelves!):
Attached Images File Type: jpg asmr reduced.jpg (47.1 KB, 606 views)
sgtpepper1968's Avatar
Interesting. It seems to be akin to subjecting oneself to guided meditation. Once in the japanese rock garden of the Ft. worth arboretum, I sat and just watched someone groom the rocks around the islands and trees in the courtyard. Another time was walking myself purposefully around a floor labyrinth.

Anyway, you're on to something cool for those that want a session more like a spa ... where both the client is both physically and mentally satiated.

Just my 2-cents.
I would love to try this.
The possibilities tied in with some tease and seduction...with a bit of denial to prolong the build.
This is so deeply intriguing and erotic. Thanks for starting this topic Elisabeth. I'd love to learn more as well.

Just in the short time that I've been working on this, I've found a few areas that men just seem to ... well, crave being touched. And it's usually interesting areas.

Here are a few examples that I've witnessed firsthand:

*The forearm, turned inwards, with light stroking of the skin back and forth, lightly, from the elbow to the wrist

*Using a firm touch, during a face massage (I save face massages for those that I adore!), going downwards with a firm gliding motion using an organic massage lotion, down on each side of the nose stimulating the sinus areas.

*A place right behind the ear

*An eyelid being caressed by lips

*A soft whisper in the ear

*The inner creases, right around the penis, at the top of the thighs. Massaging that area, in the crevices, is an area that most people never touched, even during sex, except to clean. Some men adore that and the sensation goes down their spine... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
FunInDFW's Avatar
A head stimulator hmm? Care to partake in some phrenology?
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
I'm very big into stimulating touch. I love giving and receiving! The head stimulator is a great idea. I have a friend that has one. I think his sister bought it for him as a gift one year. Lol.

I'm going to get one of those!

Thank you for the thread Elizabeth.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This is so deeply intriguing and erotic. Thanks for starting this topic Elisabeth. I'd love to learn more as well. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
I'm very big into stimulating touch. I love giving and receiving! The head stimulator is a great idea. I have a friend that has one. I think his sister bought it for him as a gift one year. Lol.

I'm going to get one of those!

Thank you for the thread Elizabeth.

XOXOXOXO Originally Posted by Lindsay Lee
I'd like to learn more as well, too. And I'm SO SO SO glad that you two ladies have responded to this topic.

You know, I believe that we could use this technique to help our business, and provide a little something (or a LOT of something!) extra for our client base!

Except, this is also new to me. I've always toyed with touching certain spots, but with AMSR, it doesn't have to be JUST touching.

So if you are both interested, I'm willing to start a yahoo group ... or we could figure out a way to learn more about this.

I believe that AMSR, if combined with subtle hypnosis techniques, it could just drive a man wild. His cock might not be involved, well not at first, but his brain and body would be very engaged.

I'm game and willing!!!!

Thanks so much for introducing this topic! Absolutely fascinating. I had not been exposed to ASMR, but last night and this morning I have spent a good bit of time exploring some of the videos on YouTube. Wow!
Just wanted to share also that their is a subreddit on Reddit devoted to ASMR. I will post the link. Good stuff there as well!
Obiwan1's Avatar
I'd like to learn more as well, too. And I'm SO SO SO glad that you two ladies have responded to this topic.

You know, I believe that we could use this technique to help our business, and provide a little something (or a LOT of something!) extra for our client base!

Except, this is also new to me. I've always toyed with touching certain spots, but with AMSR, it doesn't have to be JUST touching.

So if you are both interested, I'm willing to start a yahoo group ... or we could figure out a way to learn more about this.

I believe that AMSR, if combined with subtle hypnosis techniques, it could just drive a man wild. His cock might not be involved, well not at first, but his brain and body would be very engaged.

I'm game and willing!!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I love that you are talking about this. All eroticism takes place in the mind, the senses and nerve endings are just the tools used to access it. (sorry if this is a repeat, I tried to post and it seemed to disappear)
I'm very interested in trying these techniques!!!
berkleigh's Avatar
This is so deeply intriguing and erotic. Thanks for starting this topic Elisabeth. I'd love to learn more as well. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

I agree with Lena and Lindsey as well.
I've used this in the Salon to stimulate hair growth and of course massage the scalp. It's awesome! Very relaxing!

Thank You for sharing Elizabeth!

mm-good's Avatar
Just in the short time that I've been working on this, I've found a few areas that men just seem to ... well, crave being touched. And it's usually interesting areas.

Here are a few examples that I've witnessed firsthand:

*The forearm, turned inwards, with light stroking of the skin back and forth, lightly, from the elbow to the wrist

*Using a firm touch, during a face massage (I save face massages for those that I adore!), going downwards with a firm gliding motion using an organic massage lotion, down on each side of the nose stimulating the sinus areas.

*A place right behind the ear

*An eyelid being caressed by lips

*A soft whisper in the ear

*The inner creases, right around the penis, at the top of the thighs. Massaging that area, in the crevices, is an area that most people never touched, even during sex, except to clean. Some men adore that and the sensation goes down their spine.

There is a LOT of potential for this, for other ladies to consider, and men to wish to explore as well.

I took a quick picture of a hand held head stimulator that I just got last week. When I use it on myself, it causes my brain to tingle.

Here is a quick photo that I took of it (ignore the dusty bookshelves!): Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Yes to all of these!

There is great fun in trying to find new ones - mutual, uninhibited partner exploration ... Mmmm...
I've been listening to youtube videos, mostly of just mouth sounds. Amazing head tingles.