
Killersalt's Avatar
Who remembers when the Texan's were 4-2?

They were supposed to be something "special" this season.......turning the corner......

Each week the games just keep getting more and more painfull......

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-19-2010, 04:24 PM
The question is, is it better now, or when butthead bud adams had the team?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-19-2010, 04:34 PM
KS, man hit the wrong freaking buttonand didn't finish, didn't want you thinking I was hj 'in your thread. They both seem about the same, freakin sorry. And I was a classmate of coach Marciano in high school, and I root for them, but they are making it tough to do so.
Killersalt's Avatar
KS, man hit the wrong freaking buttonand didn't finish, didn't want you thinking I was hj 'in your thread. They both seem about the same, freakin sorry. And I was a classmate of coach Marciano in high school, and I root for them, but they are making it tough to do so. Originally Posted by seedman55
Funny, you know you can go back and edit your posts right? =)

The offense can be as good as the elite teams at times. Defense blows..
AshrDashr's Avatar
The offense can be as good as the elite teams at times. Defense blows.. Originally Posted by Killersalt
That's the problem. Lately the offense is taking too long to get started also.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-19-2010, 06:10 PM
We used to start good and lose steam. Now we start bad and build up steam, problem is the boiler bursts the last few mins this season most games.
boardman's Avatar
They've quit as a team.
A few players have something to play for, pride if nothing else.
This was the sign that Kubiak has to go.
kerwil62's Avatar
Pride is all that's left.

They may beat Denver but Jacksonville is gonna come here and beat dat ass.

6 - 10 is my prediction. Kubiak's ass will be outta here!