Now Perry Controls Obama Calendar

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
President Obama and his family show up in church after Perry promises to end the President's "war on religion."

Obama doesn't need to worry about this crap. He is really starting to look like Nixon.


Cpalmson's Avatar

Obama doesn't need to worry about this crap. He is really starting to look like Nixon.


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So when does impeachment begin?
What is it with the constant "Nixon" and "Nixonian" references to Obama from the conservabots these days? Rush and Hannity must be pushing it and the Faithful are regurgitating the talking point?
Iaintliein's Avatar
There are Jedi powers involved in the governorship of Texas. Remember when the evil "BOOOOOsh" (root of all the problems of the world) used them to convince Gore, both Clintons, and a number of other dems that Saddam's WMD program had to be stopped? All without actually saying anything, while he was governor of Texas.