Who dismantled the US Pandemic Team? Ohh yeah, the orange guy
Originally Posted by Presj22
Who needs a Pandemic response team when you take all your orders from the WHO and the CDC anyway? Just more bureaucratic bullshit paying people from our pocket that are absolutely fucking useless. And if he disbanded everything who is this Fauci guy who is running the whole shitshow?
Wake up people. Dear lord! Boy does it suck when actual facts get in the way of your distorted views. Wouldn't be so bad if you just fucked yourselves but unfortunately your fucking all of us. And not in a good way.
I don't think it is going to take that long. But wait 3 1/2 years when a Republican is back in the office and thousands of our citizens are killed in a terrorist attack. Guarantee it will be Trumps fault. Biden has laid the groundwork for people to die. It is not a matter of if but when. Matter of fact 13 already did!!! Trump was going to leave the shithole of a desert but he was not going to leave Bagram Air Base. Biggest foreign policy fuck up in the history of the United States that rests solely with Joe Biden and the Democrats. That is an undisputed fact!!!!