Really grinds my gears...

NaughtyAughty's Avatar
Boy oh boy...those that know me know that I am never one to get on my soap box and pretty much stay to myself...but I just get a warm fuzzy feeling when someone rips you off..then wants to start highjacking your reviews and warning people..of what? I can only imagine...Lol
Not even big enough to use og handle. Has to run off and use different one! And it's not so much the shit talking, bc I am quit confident in my good intentions and honesty ALWAYS...Also big believer in karma but STILL really grinds my gears!! Over & out/ rant complete!! 😁
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
  • pxmcc
  • 01-27-2019, 04:24 AM
call him out Naughty. we'll still respect you in the morning..

NaughtyAughty's Avatar
To throw people under the bus. Way I see it...much more enjoyable & more torture to set back, smile and watch the fuktard squirm when he realizes he can't touch me...not even with that itty bitty non functioning member.
  • pxmcc
  • 01-29-2019, 01:07 AM
^^ "ouch baby, ouch." -Austin Powers