Question for the guys...

Jasmine Starr's Avatar
If you had a provider who you had been seeing about 3 times a month, for the past few months, has an unexpected emergency. She contacts you and asks for an advance of half of her fee, to be dedicated the next time you have an appt together.

What would you do and why?
  • dmode
  • 01-30-2019, 12:53 PM
I wouldn't do it. Paying ahead of time just opens a can of worms and isn't proper etiquette. Besides, the smart thing to do is never ever use electronic payment.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If she letting me hit it raw she can have whatever she wants. hey that was a joke ok.

I could give you the standard macho man answer and say fuck no but the reality is that as I become more in tune with my spiritual nature I'm finding that I really dont have hard and fast rules per se. If I been fucking with you heavy on that level then who knows... it's possible. Will depend on how trustworthy I personally feel you are. Has nothing to do with sucking or touching. Sometimes though girls get the money upfront then may want to half ass the session so it is a risk you are asking your client to take on your I can see how some guys would flat out say no feeling they'd become expendable and used especially if they're already old and especially if you've told them you have a boyfriend. I remember some guy paid a provider (I think it was Bone Maker something) 5k and she gave it to her boyfriend or something like that. So it is a risky proposition. I might consider it though I dont like rejecting ideas out of hand. But if he does it you better put some extra sauce on those fucks you give him.
VitaMan's Avatar
It depends.

But the odds of it being followed through, and everything goes smoothly........about 5%. So I would have that thought in my mind if and when I did it.
I have a big L on my forehead or I am actually a big pussy boy, but I have done this and am currently doing this now with a long time sugar baby of mine. I usually give her 200 per visit and we hang for about 2 hours. She is flat broke and her little dog got attacked by a pit bull and it costs her &600 in vet bills. She borrowed from her friend to get the dog from the vet but needed to pay her friend back. So good ol Daddio gave her the &600. I now pay her $100 instead of $200 and deduct $100 from what she owes me each time i see her. She is down to $300 that she owes me. Of course I have been seeing this hottie for about 8 years now. LOL.

I have had the other experience where I helped a gal out and she fucked me over and is a pain in the ass to see.

Unless you have a great amount of trust in the person you help, don't do it!!!
Aweshucks's Avatar
Only if I wanted to help and was fine with never seeing the money again. More than likely I’d feel like it would screw up the arrangement (she would dodge me if she didn’t want to make it up) and would decline mainly so as not to ruin a good thing.
Agree with a lot of the advise above. I have advanced funds in the past and in both cases (over time) felt I did not get anything close in return.

In both cases I feel if I had I said NO and just went and seen her the return would have been better.

It definitely changed what we had.
Most providers I have talked to or seen have "emergencies" about every other month. I would never loan a provider money in any way shape or form without collateral. But to the exact request, the provider is asking for half a donation now and that would be credited toward the next visit? My response to that exact request would not be pleasant. And that request in my opinion would be considered rude and attempting to take advantage of the guy.
I had a semi regular girl tell me she was stuck in New Orleans and needed money when I text her to book. Told her “let me know when you get back then!”
I love my providers and don’t look at them as filth, but it’s a game and a business. Give some an inch and they’ll take a mile.
Not always.....but 9 out of 10 times the relationship will take a shit when this happens. There is also a big chance that it will escalate to more money over time.
ajlybj's Avatar
It depends on the depth of the relationship. At the end of the day we are humans and over time establish a sense of trust and dare I say friendship. If there is a bond it should not be an issue. I don’t understand the difference in quality expectations between a prepaid session vs envelope on the desk. If your favorite provider is having a hard time, maybe be a bit more considerate with expectations - maybe they need some time and space too? If you have a history maybe do something unbelievably wild and buy them lunch/dinner? Bottom line is that if you are a regular then you have a basic human relationship.
What if the role was reversed, what if needed some quality time and he said I will donate you double next session?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I had a similar situation 2 weeks ago. I contacted a provider whome I have seen on several occasions & told her I wanted to book an hour. The only catch was that I wanted to spend 30 minutes with her that day but couldn't compensate her because of the government shut down & all. But as soon as it was back up & running we could schedule the remaining 30 minutes & she would get her hour rate plus maybe even a little extra for being understanding. She has yet to respond/reply.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
What if the role was reversed, what if needed some quality time and he said I will donate you double next session? Originally Posted by Coffeebrain depends..but I've gotten free sessions and pay later sessions. in a previous life I forgot to pay on more than a few occasions. They knew I was good for it so they didnt trip. When they know you and they know you got money its no issue. They just roll with it. But then again you cant be out here messing with providers just because shes a provider. Gotta be smart, choosey a and picky.
Quickest way to turn 3 visits a month into 0 visits