How can we get the profile options re-worded?

I feel the identifying racial categories aren't ideal if every women who is black has to be identified first as African when it's not accurate. Can you just use "Black/Non Hispanic instead? Or just black? Or Macronesian? Melanesian? Aborigines? Blackfoot Native? Not all blacks are african.
I think I have seen "Mixed" in that area. Not sure of all the options.

You could always explain your ethnicity completely in the Biography section.
I think I have seen "Mixed" in that area. Not sure of all the options.

You could always explain your ethnicity completely in the Biography section. Originally Posted by royamcr
Excellent advice and your only option. The site will not be changing that category as you suggested.
I didn't think guys are really reading the Bio pages fully so it probably makes it just the same to leave whatever the site says I am. it was just a suggestion. No skin off my back
You'd be surprised the amount of research guys do on here before booking and appt.