A HEADS UP-Feds at it again

Just thought I would let people know about this

Nick is a great guy.

Thanks for the information.
If you pause the vid you can actually see what the feds are telling people to look for. That may be useful info.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
This is why I hate "christian" conservatives and self righteous social justice warriors aka provisional victims.

Does sex trafficking happen , yes. Am I a sex trafficker? Fuck no I'm just a horny bastard.

People wonder why I hate cops just watch this shit.
want2c's Avatar
1st. 9-11
2nd. Patriot Act
3rd. Start Homeland Security
4th. Spend millions on, To Many Condoms in trash cans
5th. Give DEA money, so they can host Drug cartels and pay for 30+ hookers on the tax payers dime. Just at one party
6th. Talk about the tough stand on Sex Trafficking
7th. Don't worry about Federal Agents paying for sex. "It's the Culture of the Region".
Randall Creed's Avatar
We gotta be careful of the 'footprints' we leave at notels. Flushing condoms isn't always practical, but neither is throwing them in the trash. If nothing else, ladies should be dumping their own trash, at least the bags with the used condoms in them. I try to give pointers to obvious newbies, but they just blow it off, like ehh. I personally don't like leaving a bag of my nut lying around for someone to find. Looks too much like...oh, evidence. I don't want to have to explain why my nut is in a bag 30 minutes or so away from where I live.

We all gotta be more careful.

We all gotta be more careful. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
+1 on that.
I know some providers who empty their own trash. If I am with a new gal, I make sure it either gets flushed and I dispose of the wrapper or I take a small bag to dispose of it all myself while trying to educate the new gal.