Liberals Make California the New Alabama

  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2021, 08:07 AM

Source: AP Photo/Jeff Chiu


Ever since the 1960’s, liberals have clubbed conservatives over the head with images of civil rights clashes in Alabama, including grainy video of Birmingham police chief “Bull” Connor turning fire hoses and snarling dogs on black protesters. And left-leaning politicians have compared everyone from Barry Goldwater to Donald Trump to the reincarnation of segregationist Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace.
No hysterical ranting could ever eclipse Joe Biden’s uber-insulting speech to a group in Danville, Virginia attacking Mitt Romney’s plan to unchain Wall Street. Invoking images of slavery in Alabama, Biden screamed, “Unchain!?! Gonna put y’all back in chains.” Subtle.
Which brings us to Wednesday’s virtually unreported attack on the leading California candidate for Governor in next Tuesday’s recall election. Conservative radio talk show host Larry Elder—who has raised $18-million and catapulted to the front of 46 candidates who seek to replace miserably unqualified incumbent Gavin Newsom—took his campaign to the Venice Beach area. The same place that last weekend saw homeless miscreants threaten a California man and his children walking on the beach; when the man defended his children, a homeless attacker hacked at him with a machete, costing the victim an eye.
Elder — who is an African American and will become California’s first black governor when voters recall Newsom next week — was walking through the neighborhood with leaders of local community groups when a white woman wearing a monkey mask rode up on her bicycle and threw an egg which just missed hitting Larry in the head. She then launched an obscenity-laden rant at one of Elder’s security team and punched one of them in the face while the candidate was rushed into a nearby SUV and drove off.

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Had this been a black Democrat – say, Barack Obama or Corey Booker or Douglas Wilder—attacked by a ranting nut wearing a monkey mask, it would have been the lead story on CNN and MSNBC for the next week, and on the front page of every newspaper in America the next morning as evidence of racism in our politics. But since Larry Elder is a Republican, you guessed it: virtually no coverage. (A Google search of the once respected but now pathetic and agenda-driven Associated Press yielded this message: “Your search returned no results.”) No arrests made. No feverish search of the assailants Tweets or other social media. Zippo.
Total news blackout. Not unlike the liberals favorite straw man: Alabama in the 1960’s, where local TV stations would mysteriously experience “cable troubles” during national newscasts covering Martin Luther King and other civil rights leaders.
Progressives have now transformed California into the new Alabama..including The Los Angeles Timesracist attacks on Larry Elder as “the black face of white Supremacy” and other outrageous smears over the past two weeks that prompted The Orange County Register to write: “It is hard to believe that such slanderous and deeply racist screeds were actually published — in the 21st century, by one of this country’s major newspapers.”

This blatantly racist attack on Larry Elder was even defended by a caller to Salem Radio Network’s MIKE GALLAGHER SHOW on Thursday; the caller claimed to represent the viewpoint of left-of-center progressives.
GALLAGHER: “You don’t think its racist for a woman in a monkey mask to throw an egg at a black man?”
CALLER: “Inherently? Of course not. That’s silly.”
GALLAGHER: “Why do you suppose she’d wear a monkey mask while throwing an egg and insulting a black man?”
CALLER: “Well, she probably didn’t want anyone to know her identity”

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GALLAGHER: “You guys on the Left screech ‘racism’ about everything..but now you want to pretend that a white woman wearing a monkey mask throwing an egg at a black man isn’t racist? Are you kidding me?”
CALLER: “I mean maybe, maybe she just doesn’t like Larry Elder. I don’t care for the dude either.”

This is Gavin Newsom’s California. Newspapers smear a leading black candidate. Violent nuts on the street feel empowered to physically attack the recall’s front runner. And despite Newsom exuding confidence he will skate past the recall next Tuesday, he is scrambling to parachute in Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and even President Joe “they’ll put y’all back in chains” Biden to prop him up in the final days of the campaign. Call me crazy, but that doesn’t look like a guy confident of winning to me.
I can’t vote in next Tuesday’s election because I live in Texas (that other liberal target because our state’s leaders just codified a new law that thankfully has turned us into a Sanctuary State for the unborn.) But if I could cast a ballot, I’d vote YES on recalling limousine liberal Gavin Newsom and throw my full support behind the electrifying Larry Elder..who will make history as California’s first black Governor.
Until then, California liberals…please spare the rest of us any sanctimonious lectures about Alabama. You now live there. Roll Tide!

Comment - the days of George Wallace standing at the doorway of eh university of alabama to prevent integration are long over. It is an outdated reference - but One to be remembered.
DPST marxists and their CRT/1619 project - along with race baiters such as sharpton, reid, kendi, hannah jones - are the new Racists of America - driving for Racial Hatred and segregation.

Kalifornia - in the DPST hatred of freedom - labels larry elder teh 'face of White Supremacy" - which is total nonsense - Yet eagerly promulgated by all teh DPST marxist LSM and nomenklatura
any Lie - to stay in Power - that is teh DPST party of Communism.

DPST marxists are teh greatest purveyor of Racism and racial Hatred since the KKK.

They hold their heads up proudly Over their Racism

'Right" - 1b1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
We are living in the 180 world of anti-reality insanity
No inbreeding in CA so this is false.
adav8s28's Avatar
Elder is qualified but Newsom is not? Why because Elder is a Republican? Comparing Calif to Alabama is making an apples to oranges comparison. Bull Connor attacked the people who were marching peacefully for civil rights with vicious German Sheperds. A woman threw an egg at Elder and missed. This is totally different. No comparison at ALL. Nice try "O" better luck next time.
No inbreeding in CA so this is false. Originally Posted by royamcr
So you're not from Cali...
Bull Connor attacked the people who were marching peacefully for civil rights with vicious German Sheperds. No comparison at ALL. Nice try "O" better luck next time. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Thanks for pointing out he was a VIOLENT racist you say..."better luck next time" sparky!!
The democraps are the party of identity politics...

Bull Connor was a Democrat. He served in the Alabama House as a Democrat, was a five-time delegate to Democrat National Conventions, and unsuccessfully ran for Alabama Governor as a Democrat.
adav8s28's Avatar
Thanks for pointing out he was a VIOLENT racist you say..."better luck next time" sparky!!
The democraps are the party of identity politics...

Bull Connor was a Democrat. He served in the Alabama House as a Democrat, was a five-time delegate to Democrat National Conventions, and unsuccessfully ran for Alabama Governor as a Democrat. Originally Posted by bb1961
Everyone except for you knows that the dixiecrats left the democratic party and are now in the republican party. The late Senator Strom Thurman and David Duke former grand dragon of the Louisiana Klan are two examples who are/were in the Republican party.

You Remember good ole Strom right? He filibustered LBJ's Civil right act as a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN.

Nice try Sparky but no cigar.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Everyone except for you knows that the dixiecrats left the democratic party and are now in the republican party. The late Senator Strom Thurman and David Duke former grand dragon of the Louisiana Klan are two examples who are/were in the Republican party.

You Remember good ole Strom right? He filibustered LBJ's Civil right act as a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN.

Nice try Sparky but no cigar. Originally Posted by adav8s28
no they didn't. the dixiecrats never left the party. they got purged out by the changing electorate.

you need to stop crapping on that myth the dixiecrats switched sides.

  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2021, 09:17 AM
Everyone except for you knows that the dixiecrats left the democratic party and are now in the republican party. The late Senator Strom Thurman and David Duke former grand dragon of the Louisiana Klan are two examples who are/were in the Republican party.

You Remember good ole Strom right? He filibustered LBJ's Civil right act as a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN.

Nice try Sparky but no cigar. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Whataboutism - 'a'

Nice try - No cigar

Newsome is gov - becasue of Pelosi nepotism - and he has proven himself an inept and incompetent adminstrator.

he killed the high speed strain - and tried to keep the billions of dollars wasted under his DPST corrupt administrations for a sacramento train.

Billions Wasted

Newsome is corrupt and a wastrel incompetent
He has proven himself UNQUALIFIED11111
rexdutchman's Avatar
Gewsome billion wasted and everybody leaving but its all good ,,,, Typical elite crap