Gravity is universal

rrrabbit's Avatar
Ladies, please don't read into this post more than what I put in back and white.

Gents, this post is information. PM me if you'd like specifics.

I had an experience today that I feel is a lesson for both the provider and the monger, and perhaps worth sharing as a gentle reminder.

This is NOT an alert. It is simply a post. Respond as you may like, and I shall do my very best to reamin neutral.

Those of you who know me, know that I have my self proclamied no-review policy. Be it good, or be it bad, that's how I choose to conduct myself.

Here goes...

So I see this AD on ECCIE Weekend Lineup, and she has a few good reviews. So I text her that I'd like to see her at 2pm today. She replies "that's perfect time, what's ur eccie handle ?". I reply with my handle.

So here I am thunkin' I'm good to go with a 2pm appt. However, to be sure, I send her a PM to cover my bases so she can confirm my handle.

At 1pm, an hour before my alleged appt, I text her asking for her address.

No reply.

So I log into ECCIE, and sure enough there is a PM asking for references. I reply back with my refs, wondering "is this going to happen?".

Lesson #1: choose your communication medium; mix and match will likely lead to miscommunication.

After I PM her my refs, I also text her letting her know I PMed my refs, and that I need to know if she thinks she'll be able to see me in an hour.

No response.

However, she texts me back after 2pm: "running late, will be one hour as I'm still en route to Austin".

Ok... I'm not pissed. No harm, no foul. I'll just go to Sugars and grab me a cheap steak and hang till she replies.

3pm ish, she texts me: just got in, I'll call you when I'm showered.

Ok, another beer at Sugars is not such a bad deal. So I order me one more.

3:30pm. She calls. She tells me she's off I35 and Pow###, and that I should call her when I'm at that exit. I tell her I know of no such exit, and for her to text me her address so that I can lock it into my GPS.

She says "ok, I'll text you".

4pm, no text; instead, she calls back at around 4:15pm, and tells me to go North on I-35 till I come across the Pow### exit, and that I call her when I get to the exit.

WTF ????

How does a out of town hooker know if I need to travel north or south to get to Pow###, since I never gave her my location ? Dit ti rei.

Now, I'm starting to get pissed.

I get to I-35 and Pow### within 5 minuetes (v v close to Sugars), and my GPS turn-by-turn navigation is interrupted by her incoming phone call "why are you not here yet ?" - urrrggghhhhggghhhh !!!! This is 5 minutes after our last conversation & remember my requested appt time was for 2pm, and it is now close to 4:30pm.

I tell her I'm 2 minutes from the cross section. She tells me "call me when you get there".

As I reach the intersection, text tone goes off on my hobby cell. It's her: you did bring proof of employment, right ?

My response: I'm NOT showing you my ID. Are you willing to show me your ID ? Thanks for wasting my time. Cya.

Moral of the story: For every bad customer, there in a equally clueless provider.
Beagle's Avatar
Yeah, she could use some improvement with her TCB skills.
NewWave's Avatar
lol, only rrrabbit would have a post with a strange, philosophical title.

you're better off jerking off than dealing with that BS. most likely this chick was in an altered state of mind, frazzled over a bunch of things, fighting with a SO etc...

it sucks bro, but these stories happen more often than we'd like to admit.

i could just have easily gone thru it tonight, but decided to save some skrilla and donate to Rosy Palm's college education.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you rrabbit. Some girls just dont have tcb skills and ruin it for everyone.
She texts me back after 2pm: "running later, will be one hour as I'm still en route to Austin".
This was your cue to go elsewhere.
rrrabbit's Avatar
This was your cue to go elsewhere. Originally Posted by Shayla
Trust me. If you were within a reasonable distance, I'd be going and cumming back all over you.

Waited around and dealt with all that for 2.5 hours past the scheduled appt. time. Just for a provider? How long have you been in this game?
nuglet's Avatar
One of the differences between a "Professional" and a "Wannabe". The first call should have sent up a flag, and the 2nd should have freed up the rest of your afternoon.
rrrabbit's Avatar
Indeed, I'm a scrub.

I'll defer to the kings of the game to make the calls, and gratefully accept thy grains that you throw at the rest of us obvious scrubz.


I must be nutz for choosing to allow the situation to develop, while enjoying , , and .

Since I have'nt ever aspired to be a "professional" |_)_)||||||||||||D, the contest is all yours, big manly men.

Self admittedly, I'm just a sissy rabbit, and in my very small way, I MUST remain content because you sharks dominate the waters.


Indeed, I'm a scrub.

I'll defer to the kings of the game to make the calls, and gratefully accept thy gains that you throw at the rest of us obvious scrubz.


I must be nutz for choosing to allow the situation to develop, while enjoying , , and .

Since I have'nt ever aspired to be a "professional" |_)_)||||||||||||D, the contest is all yours, big manly men.

Self admittedly, I'm just a sissy rabbit, and in my very small way, I must remain content because you sharks dominate the waters. RIGHT ?

Originally Posted by rrrabbit

I neither said nor implied any such thing. The "Professional" comment wasn't mine. In fact I'm not sure what a professional monger is exactly. I certainly don't dominate any waters especially considering I don't even hobby anymore having found a good woman.

However sitting around waiting 2 1/2 hours for a friggin provider to get it together is kinda pathetic and not typical of one who has at least some degree of self worth and experience with the hobby.

That isn't about being a manly man or Nuglet's professional monger.
It's simply about Not being a complete wuss with these girls.
As I always say when you behave like a puppy around any woman (hookers included) you get kicked around like a puppy and deservedly so.

At least after following her instructions and driving blindly to some crossroads you knew better than to show up at her door with ID. Even you have your tolerance breaking point.
rrrabbit's Avatar
I neither said nor implied any such thing. The "Professional" comment wasn't mine. In fact I'm not sure what a professional monger is exactly. I certainly don't dominate the waters especially considering I don't even hobby anymore having found a good woman.

However sitting around waiting 2 1/2 hours for a friggin provider to get it together is kinda pathetic and not typical of one who has at least some degree of experience with the hobby.
That isn't about being a manly man or Nuglet's professional monger.
It's simply about Not being a complete wuss with these girls. As I always say when you behave around a hooker like a puppy you get kicked around like a puppy and deservedly so.
At least you knew better than to show up at her door with ID. Even you have your tolerance breaking point. Originally Posted by Codybeast
The fact that you made the effort to respond IMPLIES volumes about what you are responding to.

But then again, I'm not desperate enough to try go validating the implication by quoting your past tense.

Kapeesh ?????
Alrighty then. Could've sworn I was simply responding to a long drawn out post by a monger griping for sympathy about how he was so mistreated by a hooker when it was clearly his own fault.
While kind hearted providers are always willing to pat you on the head like a little boy and make all better don't be upset when fellow mongers punch you in the arm and say hey bro Wake the fuck up!
rrrabbit's Avatar
Alrighty then. Could've sworn I was simply responding to a long drawn out post by a monger griping fro sympathy about how he was so mistreated by a hooker when it was clearly his own fault.
While kind hearted providers are always willing to pat you on the head like a little boy and make all better don't be upset when fellow mongers punch you in the arm and say hey bro Wake the fuck up! Originally Posted by Codybeast

Tell urself and the world whatever makes u feel better.

Through careful observation and derivative deduction, some "mongers" know better.


Tell urself and the world whatever makes u feel better.

Through careful observation and derivative deduction, some "mongers" know better.

Originally Posted by rrrabbit
Well spoken. Now if only you could take command of your women as well as you do your vocabulary.
rrrabbit's Avatar
Well spoken. Now if only you could take command of your women as well as you do your vocabulary. Originally Posted by Codybeast
"Command" obviously has a different connotation for yourself, than it does for myself.

To each, their own.

Sometimes, when I "command" my dog to stop barking, she does not.

Care to put sum more onto the chopping block ?