Spent the last week ignoring certain poster - DPST Axis of Socialism/Leftists.
SomeOnes whose posts are usually personal attacks, name-calling, rude and uncivil, not to mention Racist anti-Semitic, hateful,attacking posters' progeny, and many other off-base, non-cogent, non-constructive communications -Usually One-liners off-topic. And these SomeOnes are unable to look in a Mirror - They constantly berate others for any post remotely similar to their own Posts.
I have enjoyed this forum much more ignoring these SomeOnes - they have nothing constructive to offer. My time in this forum is much more pleasant and informative. Thanks to posters such as SR, Agrarian, and others of different opinions, and with cogent and constructive posting manners.
Invitation - join the boycott and ignore the Axis of Leftism/Socialism. With no audience to feed their egos by posting one-line "bashes", off-topic insults, name-calling, etc,. what feeds this unfortunate group is gone, and The Axis will have only themselves to play with. With no targets acknowledging them, there is no motivation for off-topic inappropriate posts.
Let the Axis wither and slowly flutter to the ground to become fertilizer.
Certainly the posts can be read - just do not respond to the Axis. Plenty of intelligent, cogent, constructive folks with whom to debate.
Of course, if the Axis "changes" - becomes cogent and constructive, Fine. What is the odds of that occurrence? About the same as "Olive Branch" being genuinely offered. Lucy always pulls back the football!
Joint the Axis Boycott!!!!!