Cancelling and rescheduling…

BlissfulTantra's Avatar
It’s really sad how people can’t understand that sometimes an appointment needs to be canceled or rescheduled because of a family issue. I’m sorry but family comes first and if you can’t understand that then maybe I’m not the provider for you. I always try and take care of my clients by giving them a free upgrade if I have to cancel. I’m just venting and maybe this is entertaining to you and maybe not but this is real.
I’ve heard from a few possible clients that there’s been talk on here about me having to cancel because I have to babysit… yes, multiple times my brother needs me to take care of his kids because he’s not in a place where he can afford a babysitter and he needs his sister to help out. I will drop everything I’m doing for him as well as my other brother.
I can’t explain my side in that part of this site so this is me explaining my side.
Please let me know what you think and how you would go about handling it.
I agree.. sometimes shit happens. As long as some notice is given (as much as can be anyway) with as much time as possible is good, I think everything should be good. I can understand.. maybe a guy cancelled something, made effort to make time to see you.. but they gotta understand sometimes life happens. As a Hispanic, I can understand the family comes first thing. I was raised with that mindset and follow it to this day. Do anything you can to help out family. I would tell you hope everything works out and I would hit you up to reschedule.
corona's Avatar
IMO, it's always a bummer if someone cancels on you, but I think you stated it perfectly in your first few lines.

I guess if it becomes a recurring problem over and over and over again, then maybe something needs to change, but at the end of the day it's your business.
Cowboys1960's Avatar
It’s tough, because if as a client I get cancelled on, I can’t find a replacement appointment until next time I have available time, which could be days or weeks. So it sucks.

That being said, family should always come first. Hopefully you give as much notice as possible. Free upgrades is a nice touch.
pmdelites's Avatar
yep, if the guy cant accept that you have other priorities in your life, he's showing his inconsiderate selfish-ness. (i know, i did that once, got told a thing or two, learned a lesson, AND apply it to all my encounters).

people providing adult intimate fun is not a traditional "business", so traditional business & customer service protocols dont completely apply here.

also, just cos a guy chooses to engage in this sub-culture does not imply/mean it is going to work out w/out glitches.

if it works, great. if it doesnt work, great.
if you cant accept that, time for a refresher course in life.

in my humble opinion/way of looking at things ...
family & friends first before anyrhing else.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-15-2023, 12:43 AM
Hope the guys are getting constipated for lost time and the disappointment
For me it’s the lack of communication. Often times if I’m canceled on it’s at the last minute and I don’t have time to try and book someone else with my limited availability. I understand the process, but it sucks. As a customer in DFW we are choosing you as a provider when there are tons of options, and some women do not reciprocate that feeling.
ben dover's Avatar
Life happens, I agree. It does suck for both parties involved. Happened to me last night but with no explanation on her part. Makes one think she may have had a better offer.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Providers hear dozens of reasons from guys regarding canceling and likewise guys hear dozens of reasons that providers cancel. It’s true, then family always comes first. Your family is more important than my nut.
Hope the guys are getting constipated for lost time and the disappointment Originally Posted by BLM69

bro... stop posting at 2 am !
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-15-2023, 11:49 AM

bro... stop posting at 2 am ! Originally Posted by cage196
I just read my post 😂
mtabsw's Avatar
I was cancelled once long ago enroute to a long awaited double with a favorite and her friend.

15 minutes out - I get a "Sorry can't make it was in an accident" then radio silence for a couple of days.

Then she started pestering me for a makeup, some way to show her appreciation and even though I was pissed off and really wanted to ditch her - I agreed to something extravagant....

I showed up, she was still black and blue, and a steel thing sticking out of her arm holding her broken forearm together.

Ever since, I never question a cancel. If it seems to be a habit, I move on to others.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually,mill bet fir most of us work comes first. We can’t unilaterally just take off absent very, very compelling reasons. Death, major surgery for an immediate family member, etc. it also depends on how often you cancel. I can count of the fingers of one had the number if times I’ve had to cancel an important work event and have fingers — -plural — left over. I’ve never missed a flight. Never missed an appointment fir a haircut, etc, Changing an appointment, sure, but almost never canceling. You saying it’s nit a big deal isn’t particularly convincing.

If you have to cancel — and I mean HAVE TO — you apologize profusely, not post back with w chip on your shoulder. Reschedule when you cancel, and really go out of your way to to make up for the problem.
I agree it happens. Although only a few times I have canceled on a provider. One time mydaughter came home and was in tears, other time I was feeling sick and didn't want to pass on my cold/flu to her.

If you texted hours before appointment, or called and explained the situation. No issues from my perspective. Does it suck yes, am I going to leave you a bad review for canceling, no.

But if you ghosted and then he left a bad review. You should be put on blast.

Obviously, I do not know this specific situation, nor anything about you. Just stating my feelings on canceling.
You've had to cancel on me before and I have had to cancel you you too. I think the key is good communication. Which you have always been great at communicating and rescheduling.