The markets responded quickly. The DOW dropped, dropped and continued to drop. We are back to square 1 with taxes and spending ! Wall Street knows that Obama is bad news for the economy.

Today at noon; With his nose stuck high in the air, Obama went on the attack from the Rose Garden. Minutes after Congress approved $2.3 Trillion in new debt (Obama checkbook); he laid out his spending spree and demands for more taxes !Whirly, you and your mentor Marshy, remind me of the nursery rhyme character Chicken Little! You both run around yelling repeatedly that "the sky is falling!"
The markets responded quickly. The DOW dropped, dropped and continued to drop. We are back to square 1 with taxes and spending ! Wall Street knows that Obama is bad news for the economy. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Wong...when the consumer report was announced it was early on and the markets were beginning to recover from the bad news report..........then Obama hit the rose garden with his demands for more spending and tax increases....and the markets went down down down..... Originally Posted by WhirlawayHEAVEN HELP US ALL!