Poverty Rate Reaches Highest Levels

Fast Gunn's Avatar
If business has been slow in the hobby it is because the poverty rate has climbed to 15.1% which is the highest it has been since these numbers have been tracked.

Sorry to post such depressing news, but the facts must be faced and solutions must be found.

More importantly, how do we climb out of this horrible hole?
LexusLover's Avatar
.. how do we climb out of this horrible hole? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
#1. Look up.
#2. One stretch at a time.
#3. Quit pouring shit down it, cuz it makes the climb tougher.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
but the facts must be faced and solutions must be found.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Vote for the Republican of your choice.

Change is right around the corner.
budman33's Avatar
If business has been slow in the hobby it is because the poverty rate has climbed to 15.1% which is the highest it has been since these numbers have been tracked.

Sorry to post such depressing news, but the facts must be faced and solutions must be found.

More importantly, how do we climb out of this horrible hole? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
This hole hasn't really changed much. The difference today is the political season and short memories.

How has poverty changed over time?
In the late 1950s, the poverty rate for all Americans was 22.4 percent, or 39.5 million individuals. These numbers declined steadily throughout the 1960s, reaching a low of 11.1 percent, or 22.9 million individuals, in 1973. Over the next decade, the poverty rate fluctuated between 11.1 and 12.6 percent, but it began to rise steadily again in 1980. By 1983, the number of poor individuals had risen to 35.3 million individuals, or 15.2 percent.
For the next ten years, the poverty rate remained above 12.8 percent, increasing to 15.1 percent, or 39.3 million individuals, by 1993. The rate declined for the remainder of the decade, to 11.3 percent by 2000. From 2000 to 2004 it rose each year to 12.7 in 2004.
Since the late 1960s, the poverty rate for people over 65 has fallen dramatically. The poverty rate for children has historically been somewhat higher than the overall poverty rate. The poverty rate for people in households headed by single women is significantly higher than the overall poverty rate.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Vote for a Republican?

You must have a very short memory.

The Republican from Crawford Texas is the one responsible for at least 80% of the hole we are in.

. . . Any other Republican will only carry us further down that road.

Vote for the Republican of your choice.

Change is right around the corner. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We must decrease spending - real cuts that is - to come in line with our revenue and raise revenues immediately. Who cares what party accomplishes this just so long as the POTUS and Congress can get on the same page. On the same page I may add that most of the American electorate is on.
More jobs......too much of our money is going to pay for debt (interest and principal) and overseas oil.....

Pay down the debt, increase domestic production, and develope alternative energies....do that and Americans will prosper......nobody in the world is more productive than the American worker...

get off the backs of American businesses; do away with regulations like Sarbanes Oxley, Dodd Frank, EPA, etc........unleash corporate America and small buisness enteprenuers
I B Hankering's Avatar
Other things to consider than just the headlines:

According to a UN declaration that resulted from the World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995, absolute poverty is "a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It depends not only on income but also on access to services."

David Gordon's paper, "Indicators of Poverty & Hunger", for the United Nations, further defines absolute poverty as the absence of any two of the following eight basic needs:
  • Food: Body Mass Index must be above 16.
  • Safe drinking water: Water must not come from solely rivers and ponds, and must be available nearby (less than 15 minutes' walk each way).
  • Sanitation facilities: Toilets or latrines must be accessible in or near the home.
  • Health: Treatment must be received for serious illnesses and pregnancy.
  • Shelter: Homes must have fewer than four people living in each room. Floors must not be made of dirt, mud, or clay.
  • Education: Everyone must attend school or otherwise learn to read.
  • Information: Everyone must have access to newspapers, radios, televisions, computers, or telephones at home.
  • Access to services: This item is undefined by Gordon, but normally is used to indicate the complete panoply of education, health, legal, social, and financial (credit) services.
[Thus, very few U.S. citizens are in “absolute poverty”]

National estimates are based on population-weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys. Definitions of the poverty line may vary considerably among nations. For example, rich nations [e.g. U.S.] generally employ more generous standards of poverty than poor nations. Thus, the numbers are not comparable among countries.

In 2009, in the United States of America, the poverty threshold for a single person under 65 was US $11,161; the threshold for a family group of four, including two children, was US $21,756 (wiki). In 2010 the government raised the poverty threshold for a family of four to US $22,314 or less (Washington Times). Money income does not include noncash benefits such as public housing, Medicaid, employer-provided health insurance and food stamps. Also, the federal Earned Income Tax Credit isn’t counted towards income (npc.umich.edu/poverty/). Geography is similarly not considered. Mississippi has one of the nation's highest “poverty” rates, meaning that a greater number of Mississippi residents fall below the poverty threshold. But it is a statement of fact that a family earning US $22,000 in Mississippi is economically better off than a family earning US $22,000 in a metropolitan center like New York City or San Francisco. You can still catch dinner - year round - with a cane pole and a cricket in rural Mississippi.
anaximander's Avatar
George W. Bush's admin and ltd GOP majority
had overall balanced books- this is gummint
I use the term 'balanced' loosely here.
But spending excluding war efforts were still
under $600 billion annual budget.
It wasn't until the dims took congress in 2006
that subsequent budget years started to go
stratospheric. Granted GW could have/ should have
vetoed pelosi's spendthrift budgets.
It would seem he was letting the electorate
have what they asked for- only they didn't then
or now understand what it was they asked for.
When the puppy dog they got crapped everywhere,
it was Bubba's fault? For what letting them have it?

Democrat congesses from 2007-2010
authorized more spending than all previous
Congresses from the dawn of the Republic
to 2006-COMBINED
Those are the numbers, thats the reality.
And sheik hussein wants to spend even more.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

The US budget numbers eloquently reveal the story of the US financial history.

Bush came into office with a $128 Billion surplus left by Clinton, which he promptly crapped down the toilet with his unfunded and totally unnecessary invasion of Iraq.

President Obama came into office with skyrocketing spending by the Bush policies and tax cuts for the wealthy.

President Obama is working on lowering US spending and returning our troops home that never should have been sent there in the first place. That dimwitted move by Bush played right into Bin Laden's hand by handing him a terrorist recruitment tool and a war that sucked this country's blood and treasure.

We still have a lot of work to do to turn this economy around, but it is obvious which party has the good of the country at heart and which party is just addicted to power.
Vote for a Republican?

You must have a very short memory.

The Republican from Crawford Texas is the one responsible for at least 80% of the hole we are in.

. . . Any other Republican will only carry us further down that road.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You have to excuse these guys. They have very short memories! It's almost as if the two unfunded wars that eventually led to the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression (9/15/2008) never occurred.

If their dicks are no longer than their memories, I will guarantee you they ain't gettin' no pussy!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Touché, BT.


It might be easier to excuse their gross anemia if only the consequences of their actions were not so grave for the future of the USA.

The real problem is that if you get enough of these types in a voting precinct and you could repeat the tragic election results which led to our current economic meltdown.

. . . God help us if we allow that to happen again!

You have to excuse these guys. They have very short memories! It's almost as if the two unfunded wars that eventually led to the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression (9/15/2008) never occurred.

If their dicks are no longer than their memories, I will guarantee you they ain't gettin' no pussy! Originally Posted by bigtex
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You have to excuse these guys. They have very short memories! It's almost as if the two unfunded wars that eventually led to the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression (9/15/2008) never occurred.

If their dicks are no longer than their memories, I will guarantee you they ain't gettin' no pussy! Originally Posted by bigtex
you donkeys keep talking about "two unfunded wars"

Saddam says in this 60 minutes show he was going to let the heat die down and he would start again



and the donkeys in congress voted for it

then the 2nd war, are you just going to let al queda use Afghanistan as a training ground?

Blame Bush Blame Bush Blame Bush Blame Bush

back to slick willy, he was blessed with the dot.com economy that was a phony as a $3.00 bill + the phony housing market, that he and barney cooked up and yes GW did try to stop it

every night I read these threads and it is the same bullshit

Blame Bush Blame Bush Blame Bush Blame Bush

and finally

I B Hankering's Avatar
every night I read these threads and it is the same bullshit

Blame Bush Blame Bush Blame Bush Blame Bush Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Next thing you know, they’ll be blaming Bush for making them vote for Obama!
If business has been slow in the hobby it is because the poverty rate has climbed to 15.1% which is the highest it has been since these numbers have been tracked.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
When did that happen? No doubt that was part of the "change" you were promised.
Dirtyoldman50's Avatar
On a more realistic note ALL politicians are assholes.