My Cereal Hustle: How I Get The Large 20 Oz Box of Raisin Bran for
Less than $1
Bonjour cher! In the swamp, we're always looking for a bargain. This
post doesn't have anything to do with cellphones (I own a cellphone store) but I thought it
would help some of you out mon ami! If you like Kellogg's Raisin Bran
(works on several others, too), read on. First of all, go to:
http://amzn.to/oSewpE . You'll see that Raisin Bran is 4 large boxes
for $9 and some change. On the right hand side, if you click on the
subscription, it will drop it down to less than $8/ for 4.
Now, when you've accumulated 10 UPC codes from them, print out the
following form: http://www2.kelloggs.com/AARP/rewards/FIMSingle.pdf .
Mail it in to Kelloggs and you'll get a $10 mastercard refund. That
drops the price down per box to less than $1. Oh yeah! The shipping on
Amazon is FREE also so that doesn't get tacked on. Enjoy cher! THE
SWAMP WILL PROVIDE! :-D By the way, you might have 10 boxes of cereal
already. Look around and see if you do. Au revoir!