so...i saw Bruce in a bar

knotty man's Avatar
i saw my buddy Bruce Jenner in a bar the other night
i walked up and said "sup Brucie!! hows it hanging?"
.....then it got awkward
The Allnighter's Avatar
...the last few months.

I just heard that Bruce has come out of the closet.

Yeah, he's a Republican. Oh, the horror!

If he comes to Texas, Rick Perry has promised to shoot him.

P.S. I don't know if you have seen the Vanity Fair cover shot of Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner. She's actually pretty hot -- kind of like Rene Russo in drag.
FoulRon's Avatar
Yea, I've been doing the "separated at birth" thing trying to figure out who s/he's trying to look like. So far, the front runner is Janice Duckenson:
Janine's Avatar
Shit aint right man
sue_nami's Avatar
I'm all for people finding what makes them happy and going for it. I feel TG acceptance by the masses has been a long time coming and it is way overdue that we accept all into our society without hatred and bigotry. This is a brave move and I admire the the strength it took to do this. My TG friend I have known since high school worries she set the bar so high that is will be difficult for others unable to afford the best surgeons and makeup artists and couture to reach their dream. she looks great but spent a lot of cash to get that pretty. May I suggest we all be nice even to the ugly TG girls, everyone has the right to be happy and some may not have this many resources to get there. Please be cool and never ridicule anyone being this brave and reaching out to be their true self. admire their gumption and courage and support them by simply being civil and treating them like everyone else with respect and tolerance. Tolerance is a TEXAN trait we need to reclaim
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I actually knew Bruce Jenner back in the 1960s. His sister was in my HS class and Bruce was 2-3 years younger. We lived in the same apartment complex.

I agree with Sue and others who say live and let live. However, Bruce/Caitlyn could have been a little more UTR with this. Instead, we first have a Diane Sawyer interview, then an article, with pictures, in Vanity Fair. and my understanding is that a reality show is in the making. I would think that most TG people simply go on with their lives in private. Bruce/Caitlyn have opened up his/her life to the public and must accept whatever comes his/her way. The majority of the people will simply shrug their shoulders and say "Whatever" but you know that there will be many who do otherwise.

Question. At what point does a male become a female? I realize Caitlyn wants to be accepted as a woman, but if the plumbing is still male, is Caitlyn really a female?
sue_nami's Avatar
you should identify them with the gender they actually prefer to identify with, their private plumbing status is non of our business.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I dunno. Looking at her new self, I think the real litmus test would be; if I was drinking at a hotel bar with my spouse and Caytlin said to me: "I would so like to do you right now." Would I place a $10 bill on the bar in front of my spouse and tell her: "Here darl'n. Buy yourself a couple more beers and I'll be back in a bit."? Of course not fool !! I would turn to my spouse and say: "Slam that beer babe! I'm gonna go get the three of us a room. We got us a fun night about to start!"

Fishing is about the right equipment, the right bait and the right location.
But it's also about knowing when you got one on the line!
I'm all for people finding what makes them happy and going for it. I feel TG acceptance by the masses has been a long time coming and it is way overdue that we accept all into our society without hatred and bigotry. This is a brave move and I admire the the strength it took to do this. My TG friend I have known since high school worries she set the bar so high that is will be difficult for others unable to afford the best surgeons and makeup artists and couture to reach their dream. she looks great but spent a lot of cash to get that pretty. May I suggest we all be nice even to the ugly TG girls, everyone has the right to be happy and some may not have this many resources to get there. Please be cool and never ridicule anyone being this brave and reaching out to be their true self. admire their gumption and courage and support them by simply being civil and treating them like everyone else with respect and tolerance. Tolerance is a TEXAN trait we need to reclaim Originally Posted by sue_nami
you should identify them with the gender they actually prefer to identify with, their private plumbing status is non of our business. Originally Posted by sue_nami
I totally agree!

What I don't agree with is having them change the name on the prior athletic accomplishments Bruce Genner has achieved, and changing street names he was named after. That is some attention whore nonsense.

Maybe they can just a.k.a on future publications of these past acheivments and he can carry on by the moniker Caitlin from now on.

My .02