So what about McKinny anyway?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What are your thoughts on the goings down in McKinny?

I will be surprised if they actually hold the event organizers, one Tatianna and her baby momma, accountable for the cost of the melee. Though it is becoming clear that it was a bootleg party as far as the HOA was concerned.

I would also be shocked if they actually hold Dararria's (the 15 year old girl in the videos) parents to account for permitting and pressumably encouraging her participation in it.

Dajarria was a "Dime Piece" model and was hired as, uhmmm bait, I dunno?, for the party. I'm assuming she was paid somehow. BTW: "Dime Piece" is slang for perfect 10 piece of ass. She was also involved with promoting the upcoming "Clap It II" party. I'm guessing she was supposed to be a dancer there as well as a model. BTW: Clap It is slang for twerking, more accurately - for the sound the butt cheeks make when twerking.

So I wonder how her parents, avoid getting boxed into a corner on this, as it appears they had knowledge of it and may have encouraged or at least endorsed her participation in these activities.

What I really wanna know is; is it OK for a 15 year old girl to engage in it and her parents to endorse it? Shoot! If it is, is it OK to enjoy watching her and is it even legal? (Sounds totally whacked to me)
derek303's Avatar
The cop was forced to resign. If I was a cop I would tell every black neighborhood to go fuck themselves. They can all kill each other. Ramped crime and murder and the black panthers and Louis Farakan Muslim scumbags show up in McKinney for a march? Give me a break! All these race baiters ought to be arrested for inciting a riot. Then the local lemmings join in and we have a mob. That's what happened in Ferguson and in Baltimore. Baltimore averages a murder a day, where is the outrage there? I have a feeling these trouble makers won't get the same millage in Texas as the other places thank God. I feel sorry for the law abiding blacks in these neighborhoods.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Oh, Ah'm proud ta be a Ninny frum McKinney! Tha place whar e'en squares kin have a brawl ...
. . . .
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-11-2015, 03:22 PM
Object Lesson: If you run, headlong, into the thin blue line, you'll probably end up with a black eye.

Where are the renegade Samurai protesting their grandparents internment during WW II?
Where are the Native Americans whooping it up and taking scalps over Wounded Knee?
Where the hell is Waldo?
Another low life racist pig... he was wrong, he is a piece of shit cop cocksucker that needs to hang, fucking cops think they can do what they want, i fucking hate them all.